
@bespunky/angular-zen - Official Docs

In certain cases, the default implementation provided by the service might not answer the needs of your code. One such case is testing.

When testing, we sometimes need to simulate the internal workings of the native window object. Assuming you injected WindowRef into your component or service:

import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { CoreModule, WindowRef, WINDOW } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/core';

import { WindowRefDemoComponent } from './window-ref-demo.component';

describe('WindowRefDemoComponent', () =>
    let component : WindowRefDemoComponent;
    let fixture   : ComponentFixture<WindowRefDemoComponent>;
    let element   : DebugElement;
    let windowMock: any;
    let windowRef : WindowRef;

    beforeEach(async(() =>
            declarations: [WindowRefDemoComponent],
            // 1. Import CoreModule
            imports: [CoreModule],
            providers: [
                // 2. Provide the TestBed module with a new value for WINDOW
                { provide: WINDOW, useValue: { screen: { width: 1024, height: 768 } } }

        // 3. Get a hold of the WindowRef implementation and our mock window object
        windowRef  = TestBed.inject(WindowRef);
        windowMock = TestBed.inject(WINDOW);

    it('should ...', () => {

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