
Provides tools for breaking the current and any url to their different parts.





constructor(document: DocumentRef, router: Router, route: ActivatedRoute, config?: RouterXConfig)
Name Type Optional
document DocumentRef No
router Router No
route ActivatedRoute No
config RouterXConfig Yes


Public forceHttps
forceHttps(url: string)

Makes sure the url is prefixed with https instead of http.

Name Type Optional Description
url string No

The url to secure.

Returns: string

The secure url.

Public fragmentOf
fragmentOf(url: string)

Extracts the fragment from a url.

fragmentOf('') === '#fragment'
Name Type Optional Description
url string No

The url from which to extract the fragment.

Example :
fragmentOf(&#39;<a href="">;b=2&amp;c=3#fragment</a>&#39;) === &#39;#fragment&#39;
Returns: string

The fragment extracted from the url.

Public queryStringOf
queryStringOf(url: string)

Extracts the query string of a specified url.

queryStringOf('') === '?a=1&b=2&c=3'
Name Type Optional Description
url string No

The url from which to extract the query string.

Example :
queryStringOf(&#39;<a href="">;b=2&amp;c=3</a>&#39;) === &#39;?a=1&amp;b=2&amp;c=3&#39;
Returns: string

The query string extracted from the url.

Public routeOf
routeOf(url: string)

Extracts the route portion of a given url.

routeOf('') === '/some/route'
Name Type Optional Description
url string No

The url for which to extract the route portion.

Example :
routeOf(&#39;<a href="">;b=2&amp;c=3</a>&#39;) === &#39;/some/route&#39;
Returns: string

The route portion of the url.

Public routeSegmentsOf
routeSegmentsOf(routeOrUrl: string)

Extracts the route portion of a url as an array of route segments, not including the empty root segment.

routeSegmentsOf('') === ['some', 'route']
routeSegmentsOf('/some/route') === ['some', 'route']
Name Type Optional Description
routeOrUrl string No

The route or complete url from which to extract the route segments.

Example :
routeSegmentsOf(&#39;<a href="">;b=2&amp;c=3</a>&#39;) === [&#39;some&#39;, &#39;route&#39;]
routeSegmentsOf(&#39;/some/route&#39;) === [&#39;some&#39;, &#39;route&#39;]
Returns: string[]

The segments of the route.

Public stripFragment
stripFragment(url: string)

Removes the fragment portion of a url.

stripFragment('') === ''
Name Type Optional Description
url string No

The url to remove the fragment.

Example :
stripFragment(&#39;<a href="">;b=2&amp;c=3#fragment</a>&#39;) === &#39;<a href="">;b=2&amp;c=3</a>&#39;
Returns: string

The url without the fragment portion.

Public stripQuery
stripQuery(url: string)

Removes the query portion of a url.

stripQuery('') === ''
Name Type Optional Description
url string No

The url from which to remove the query.

Example :
stripQuery(&#39;<a href="">;b=2&amp;c=3#fragment</a>&#39;) === &#39;<a href=""></a>&#39;
Returns: string

The specified url without the query portion.


Public Readonly FragmentRegex
Default value: /(?<fragment>#.*)$/

A regular expression to match the hash sign and everything that follows in a url. The extracted group will be named 'fragment'.

The regex will extract '#fragment' for all of the following:
Public Readonly hostUrl
Type: string

The complete host portion (e.g. of the currently navigated url as fetched from the document.location object. If the hostUrl option was provided when importing the language integration module, it will be used instead.

Public Readonly QueryStringRegex
Default value: /(?<queryString>\?[^#]*)/

A regular expression to match the question mark and everything that follows in a url. The extracted group will be named 'queryString'.

The regex will extract '?a=1&b=2&c=3' for all of the following:
Public Readonly route
Type: ActivatedRoute
Public Readonly router
Type: Router
Public Readonly RouteRegex
Default value: /^(?:http[s]?:\/\/[^/]+)?(?<route>[^?#]+)(?=[?#]|$)/

A regular expression to match the route part of a url. The url can be fully qualified or start at the route. The extracted group will be named 'route'.

The regex will extract '/this/is/the/route' for all of the following:

Fully qualified urls:

Relative routes: /this/is/the/route?a=1&b=2&c=3 /this/is/the/route#someFragment /this/is/the/route?debug=true#fragment

The regex will extract 'this/is/the/route' (no head slash) for all of the following: this/is/the/route?a=1&b=2&c=3 this/is/the/route#someFragment this/is/the/route?debug=true#fragment

Public Readonly RouteSegmentsRegex
Default value: /(?!\/)(?<segment>[^/]+)/g

A regular expression to match all segments of a route. Looks for /<segment>/ parts and extract them without the slashes. The extracted groups will be named 'segment'.



The fully qualified url of the currently navigated route (e.g. '').

Returns: string

The route url of the currently navigated route (e.g. '/some/route').

Returns: string

The segments of the currently navigated route (e.g. ['some', 'route']).

Returns: string[]

The object representing the query params in the currently navigated route.

Returns: Params

The query string portion of the currently navigated route (e.g. '?a=1&b=2&c=3').

Returns: string

The fragment portion of the currently navigated route, without the hash sign (e.g. 'fragment').

Returns: string

The fragment portion of the currently navigated route, with the hash sign (e.g. '#fragment').

Returns: string
import { Inject, Injectable, Optional   } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute, Params, Router } from '@angular/router';

import { DocumentRef   } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/core';
import { RouterXConfig } from '../config/router-x-config';
import { RouterX       } from '../config/router-x-config.provider';

 * Provides tools for breaking the current and any url to their different parts.
 * @export
 * @class UrlReflectionService
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root'})
export class UrlReflectionService
     * A regular expression to match the route part of a url. The url can be fully qualified or start at the route.
     * The extracted group will be named 'route'.
     * @example
     * The regex will extract '/this/is/the/route' for all of the following:
     * Fully qualified urls:
     * ``
     * ``
     * ``
     * Relative routes:
     * `/this/is/the/route?a=1&b=2&c=3`
     * `/this/is/the/route#someFragment`
     * `/this/is/the/route?debug=true#fragment`
     * The regex will extract 'this/is/the/route' (no head slash) for all of the following:
     * `this/is/the/route?a=1&b=2&c=3`
     * `this/is/the/route#someFragment`
     * `this/is/the/route?debug=true#fragment`
    public readonly RouteRegex         = /^(?:http[s]?:\/\/[^/]+)?(?<route>[^?#]+)(?=[?#]|$)/;
     * A regular expression to match all segments of a route.
     * Looks for `/<segment>/` parts and extract them without the slashes.
     * The extracted groups will be named 'segment'.
    public readonly RouteSegmentsRegex = /(?!\/)(?<segment>[^/]+)/g;
     * A regular expression to match the question mark and everything that follows in a url.
     * The extracted group will be named 'queryString'.
     * @example
     * The regex will extract '?a=1&b=2&c=3' for all of the following:
     * /some/route?a=1&b=2&c=3#fragment
     * ?a=1&b=2&c=3#fragment
    public readonly QueryStringRegex   = /(?<queryString>\?[^#]*)/;
     * A regular expression to match the hash sign and everything that follows in a url.
     * The extracted group will be named 'fragment'.
     * @example
     * The regex will extract '#fragment' for all of the following:
     * /some/route?a=1&b=2&c=3#fragment
     * some/route?a=1&b=2&c=3#fragment
    public readonly FragmentRegex      = /(?<fragment>#.*)$/;

     * The complete host portion (e.g. of the currently navigated url as fetched from the `document.location` object.
     * If the `hostUrl` option was provided when importing the language integration module, it will be used instead.
     * @type {string}
    public readonly hostUrl: string;

                                     private          document: DocumentRef,
                                     public  readonly router  : Router,
                                     public  readonly route   : ActivatedRoute,
        @Optional() @Inject(RouterX) private          config? : RouterXConfig
        const hostUrl = this.config?.hostUrl;

        // If the hostUrl has been provided by the user, use it; otherwise, fetch from the location service
        this.hostUrl = hostUrl || this.document.nativeDocument.location.origin;
     * Extracts the route portion of a given url.
     * @example
     * routeOf('') === '/some/route'
     * @param {string} url The url for which to extract the route portion.
     * @returns {string} The route portion of the url.
    public routeOf(url: string): string
        return url.match(this.RouteRegex)?.groups?.['route'] || '';
     * Extracts the route portion of a url as an array of route segments, not including the empty root segment.
     * @example
     * routeSegmentsOf('') === ['some', 'route']
     * routeSegmentsOf('/some/route') === ['some', 'route']
     * @param {string} routeOrUrl The route or complete url from which to extract the route segments.
     * @returns {string[]} The segments of the route.
    public routeSegmentsOf(routeOrUrl: string): string[]
        // Extract the route portion only, then match with the regex to extract the array of segments
        return this.routeOf(routeOrUrl).match(this.RouteSegmentsRegex) || [];

     * Extracts the query string of a specified url.
     * @example
     * queryStringOf('') === '?a=1&b=2&c=3'
     * @param {string} url The url from which to extract the query string.
     * @returns {string} The query string extracted from the url.
    public queryStringOf(url: string): string
        const matches = url.match(this.QueryStringRegex) || [''];

        return matches[0];

     * Removes the query portion of a url.
     * @example
     * stripQuery('') === ''
     * @param {string} url The url from which to remove the query.
     * @returns {string} The specified url without the query portion.
    public stripQuery(url: string): string
        return url.replace(this.QueryStringRegex, '');
     * Extracts the fragment from a url.
     * @example
     * fragmentOf('') === '#fragment'
     * @param {string} url The url from which to extract the fragment.
     * @returns {string} The fragment extracted from the url.
    public fragmentOf(url: string): string
        const matches = url.match(this.FragmentRegex) || [''];

        return matches[0];

     * Removes the fragment portion of a url.
     * @example
     * stripFragment('') === ''
     * @param {string} url The url to remove the fragment.
     * @returns {string} The url without the fragment portion.
    public stripFragment(url: string): string
        return url.replace(this.FragmentRegex, '');

     * Makes sure the url is prefixed with https instead of http.
     * @param {string} url The url to secure.
     * @returns {string} The secure url.
    public forceHttps(url: string): string
        return url.replace(/^http:\/\//, 'https://');

     * The fully qualified url of the currently navigated route (e.g. '').
     * @readonly
     * @type {string}
    public get fullUrl(): string
        return `${this.hostUrl}${this.router.url}`;
     * The route url of the currently navigated route (e.g. '/some/route').
     * @readonly
     * @type {string}
    public get routeUrl(): string
        return this.routeOf(this.router.url);
     * The segments of the currently navigated route (e.g. ['some', 'route']).
     * @readonly
     * @type {string[]}
    public get routeSegments(): string[]
        return this.routeSegmentsOf(this.routeUrl);

     * The object representing the query params in the currently navigated route.
     * @readonly
     * @type {*}
    public get queryParams(): Params
        return { ...this.route.snapshot.queryParams };

     * The query string portion of the currently navigated route (e.g. '?a=1&b=2&c=3').
     * @readonly
     * @type {string}
    public get queryString(): string
        return this.queryStringOf(this.router.url);

     * The fragment portion of the currently navigated route, without the hash sign (e.g. 'fragment').
     * @readonly
     * @type {string}
    public get fragment(): string
        return this.route.snapshot.fragment || '';

     * The fragment portion of the currently navigated route, with the hash sign (e.g. '#fragment').
     * @readonly
     * @type {string}
    public get fragmentString(): string
        return `#${this.fragment}`;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""