
@bespunky/angular-zen - Official Docs

This module contains standalone util functions which automatically hook into the router and other services to give you an easy-to-use API.

These can be used in any component, service, directive or pipe.

⚠️ The router-x module is in PREVIEW mode. Implementation might change. Avoid using in production.

Please provide feedback on the module.


Allows you to subscribe to a specific router event:

import { NavigationEnd } from '@angular/router';
import { useRouterEvent } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x';

class MyComponent implements OnInit
    private readonly navigationEnd = useRouterEvent(NavigationEnd);

    ngOnInit(): void


Allows you to subscribe to multiple specific router events:

import { NavigationEnd, ResolveEnd, GuardsCheckEnd } from '@angular/router';
import { useRouterEvents } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x';

class MyComponent implements OnInit
    private readonly routingStepDone = useRouterEvents(NavigationEnd, ResolveEnd, GuardsCheckEnd);

    ngOnInit(): void


Allows you to listen to route changes and process the activated route and its children.

See PublishComponentDirective for more details on the activated component.

import { useRouteDeepScan } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x';

interface MetadataConfig
    resolve: (component: AnyObject | null) => Record<string, unknown>

function isMetadataConfig(value: unknown): value is MetadataConfig
    // Some implementation ...

class MetadataService
    private metadata = useRouteDeepScan(this.processRoute.bind(this))

    private processRoute({ data }: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, component: AnyObject | null): ObservedRouteProcessFunction<ReturnType<MetadataConfig['resolve']>>
        // Check for metadata config in the current child's data
        const config = data['metadata'];

        if (isMetadataConfig(config) && component)
            // Use the component activated for the child's outlet to resolve data
            const metadata = config.resolve(component);        

            // Make the observable emit, then stop the current scan
            return { done: true, emit: metadata };

        // Continue scanning
        return { done: false };

You can also directly call deepScanRoute() to perform a one-time scan manually.


Allows observing the current state of activated router outlets. This emits a dictionary of named outlets which holds the instances of their respective component instances.

See PublishComponentDirective for more details.

import { useRouterOutletStateTracker } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x';

class Component
    private outletState = useRouterOutletStateTracker();

        this.outletState.subscribe(outlets => outlets.forEach((component, outletName) =>
            // Process outlet and component


Allows observing the component initialized for the currently activated route.

See PublishComponentDirective for more details.

import { useActivatedRouteComponent } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x';

class SomeService
    private activated = useActivatedRouteComponent();

        this.activated.subscribe(({ component, route }) => { /* Process outlet and component */ });

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