
Provides an injectable wrapper for the document object. Inject this in your services/components and you will be able to easily mock or spy on the native document object in your tests.

By default, the nativeDocument property will point to angular's DOM adapter, thus facilitating DOM access and manipulation on the different platforms. To mock the native document, provide a value for the DOCUMENT token from @bespunky/angular-zen/core. You will safely mock it without trashing angular's DOCUMENT provider.

See document-ref.service.spec.ts for examples.





constructor(nativeDocument: any)

Creates an instance of DocumentRef.

Name Type Optional Description
nativeDocument any No

The native document provided by the DOCUMENT token of @bespunky/angular-zen/core. See DocumentRef for details.


Public Readonly nativeDocument
Type: any
The native document provided by the `DOCUMENT` token of `@bespunky/angular-zen/core`. See `DocumentRef` for details.
import { ExistingProvider, Inject, Injectable, InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
import { DOCUMENT as ANGULAR_DOCUMENT                         } from '@angular/common';

/** A token used to provide the native document implementation for `DocumentRef`. By default, `CoreModule` will provide angular's DOCUMENT token. */
export const DOCUMENT = new InjectionToken<Document>('DocumentToken');

 * Provides an injectable wrapper for the `document` object.
 * Inject this in your services/components and you will be able to easily mock or spy on the native `document` object in your tests.
 * By default, the `nativeDocument` property will point to angular's DOM adapter, thus facilitating DOM access and manipulation
 * on the different platforms.
 * To mock the native document, provide a value for the `DOCUMENT` token from `@bespunky/angular-zen/core`.
 * You will safely mock it without trashing angular's `DOCUMENT` provider.
 * @see document-ref.service.spec.ts for examples.
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class DocumentRef
    // Treating native document as `any` save users typecasting everytime and deducing if the object is of type `Document` or `object`.
     * Creates an instance of `DocumentRef`.
     * @param {*} nativeDocument The native document provided by the `DOCUMENT` token of `@bespunky/angular-zen/core`. See `DocumentRef` for details. 
    constructor(@Inject(DOCUMENT) public readonly nativeDocument: any) { }

 * The default provider for the `DOCUMENT` token. Uses angular's DOM adapters which will be injected according to the platform.
export const DocumentProvider: ExistingProvider = {
    provide    : DOCUMENT,
    useExisting: ANGULAR_DOCUMENT

 * A bundle of all providers needed for DocumentRef to work.
export const DocumentRefProviders = [DocumentProvider];

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