๐Ÿค Thank You!

I appreciate you coming here and taking the time to read this document.
Welcome to the BeSpunky open-source community! โœจ

Table of Contents

General Guidelines

This project, as well as other open-source projects by BeSpunky, is shared with the community with the following main goals:

  • Help developers create apps and libraries faster and more easily.
  • Share knowledge and best practices.
  • Grow and improve the project with the help of the community.
  • Make people happy. ๐Ÿ˜Š

To keep those in motion and create a safe space for developers to contribute, please follow our general code of conduct.

How to Contribute

Contribution is welcome in any form (as long as it follows the code of conduct). Below are common ways you could contribute, but if you come up with another way of helping, feel free to offer...

Submitting Issues

Bug Reports
  • Report bugs using the ๐Ÿ› bug report template.

  • The title of bug reports must start with '๐Ÿ› ' (bug emoji + a single space).

  • Search the issue list and the web for similar issues before reporting to prevent duplicates.

  • Attempt to reduce the problem as much as possible before submitting an issue so you can provide as detailed information and pin-point the problem.

    Issues with insufficient information might end-up being closed.

Feature Requests
  • Request new features using the โž• feature request template
  • The title of feature requests must start with 'โž• ' (plus emoji + a single space).
  • Explain yourself as if no one knows what you're talking about. Avoid assuming that the context of your request is understood.
  • Provide a good overview first, then go into detail.
Documentation Suggestions
  • Suggest documentation improvements using the ๐Ÿ“ƒ documentation suggestion template.
  • The title of documentation suggestions must start with '๐Ÿ“ƒ ' (page with curl emoji + a single space).
  • Provide good context so the topic to add/improve is well understood.

Pull Requests

You are welcome and encouraged to improve the project yourself. ๐Ÿ’ช
If you need help navigating the code, you may contact me at us@bespunky.io.

For small features and improvements, you can go ahead and develop them.
If, however, you would like to add a big feature or make breaking changes, please discuss it first in a feature request and state that you would like to take-on the task.

๐Ÿ‘ The rule of thumb: When in doubt, discuss it first.

Whatever you do, when working on pull requests please follow the specifications below.

If your pull request doesn't follow the specs you will probably be asked to improve it before merging.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a branch for your feature or fix.
  1. Develop your feature or fix making small and precise commits
  2. Test your work
  3. Document your work
  4. Remember to push your work every now and then, so it is safely backed-up.
  • Always create your branch out of the development branch.
  • If you think the branch should be created out of another, please consult the maintainers first.
  • Branch names should conform to <emoji>/<module>/<name-of-feature-or-fix>.

    Example: โž•/core/loading-automation

    See emojis.
  • When you are done with your branch, delete it to prevent clutter.
Code Style
  • Imports should have the following order:
    1. Any low-level packages (e.g. lodash, rxjs)
    2. Angular packages (e.g. @angular/core, @angular/router)
    3. Other 3rd-Party Angular libraries (e.g. @ngx-translate/core, @angular/flex-layout)
    4. Your app/library imports.
  • Your app/library imports should be separated by one empty line from the other imports.
  • Imports should be vertically aligned to the furthest closing bracket.
  • Your app/library imports should be ordered from least close to closest.
import { Subject                     } from 'rxjs';
import { OnChanges, Input, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { promiseLater                } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/async';
import { GoogleMapsComponentApiService } from '../../api/google-maps-component-api.service';
import { WrapperFactory                } from '../tokens/wrapper-factory.token';
import { EmittingWrapper               } from '../types/abstraction';

You can use one of Better Align, Align by RegEx or Align-Vertically for bracket alignment.

  • Use 4 space for indentations, except for .json files.

  • Use 2 spaces for .json file indentations.

  • Align object properties and assignment expressions:

const someValue    = 1;
const anotherValue = 2;
const config       = {
    someKey   : 'value',
    anotherKey: 'anotherValue'
  • Place opening braces on a new line:
function doMagic(): void
    if (somethingCoolHappend)


  • Avoid switch statements when possible. Use a mapping object instead:
enum Color { Black, White, ... }
// Much cleaner, especially if there are many colors
class NoSwitchHere
    private handlers = {
        [Color.Black]: this.handleBlack.bind(this),
        [Color.White]: this.handleWhite.bind(this),

    public doMagic(color: Color): void

    public handleBlack(...): void { ... }
    public handleWhite(...): void { ... }
  • Separate lines into groups. Commonly grouped lines:

    • Assignments
    • Control blocks content (e.g. loops, conditions)
    • return statement
    • Same-topic operations
  • Strong type your variables whenever possible.

  • Always state the return type of a function or a method.

  • Break complex functions into smaller ones and give them meaningful and explanatory names.

function doMagic(trick: 'pigeon' | 'rabbit'): string
    const pauseDuration = Math.random() * 10;
    const isPegion      = trick === 'pigeon';
    // โคต
    // โคต
    if (isPegion)
        const pigeon = pullPigeonOutOfHat();
        // โคต
        // โคต
        return pigeon.name;
    // โคต
    const rabbit = pullRabbitOutOfHat();
    // โคต
    // โคต
    return rabbit.name;    
  • Make small and precise commits for small units of work. A commit is not for a feature, but for a step on the way to completing a feature.
  • Commits should always start with a relevant emoji.
  • Commit messages should answer the question "what did you do?".

    โž• Implemented automatic module loading
    ๐Ÿ› Fixed module loading automation fails in SSR

  • Keep messages short and use the description field for more details when you see fit.
  • Always test your work with unit tests.
  • Test your public api only.
  • Test expected behaviour, not implementation. Implementation can often change, expected behaviour doesn't.

    If your pull request doesn't include the relevant tests you will be asked to add them before merging.

  • Always assume you won't remember what you did.
  • Always assume someone is reading the code and documentation for the first time.
  • Classes, methods, functions, properties and other code elements must have inline JSDoc style documentation.
  • When the code has hidden logic or a hidden interaction with another piece of code, document it and make it visible to the reader.
  • In addition to inline documentation, features that can be described in a "user manual" type of documentation should be documented in the wiki.
  • Always explain "why". Give context and overview for the topic you are documenting.
  • When writing a wiki section, consider adding a short "TLDR Summary" at the top of the page. Some people simply want the gist of it, or simply look for a code example.

Becoming a Maintainer

If you like this project and enjoy working on it continuously, you can become an official maintainer.

In addition to developing, the role of a maintainer includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Deal with issues - categorize, prioritize, approve.
  • Reviews and approve pull requests by other developers.
  • Moderate discussions and enforce the code of conduct.
  • Define roadmap and milestones with other maintainers.

Becoming a maintainer requires:

  • Active participation in issues.
  • At least 5 approved pull requests leading to minor or major changes.
  • Proven good teamwork and communication skills.
  • The review and approval of current maintainers.

To apply, please send your request to us@bespunky.io.

Emoji Map

Prefer using the emoji dialog rather than typing the :emoji_name: version as some version control software don't deal with them correctly.
On Windows, press Ctrl + . to launch the emoji dialog.

If you know how to do that on Mac and Linux, please update this doc.

Emoji Name Use when you have...
โœจ sparkles Scaffolded a new component, service or module
๐Ÿ› bug Fixed a bug
โž• plus sign Added files or new feature implementations
โž– minus sign Removed files or feature implementations
โ™ป recycling symbol Refactored code
๐Ÿ“‚ open file folder Changed folder structures without refactoring code
๐ŸŽจ artist palette Improved code layout, order or structure without refactoring
โšก high voltage Optimized code performance, imports or package size
๐Ÿ“ƒ page with curl Added or modified wiki documentation, inline comments or other .md files
๐Ÿš€ rocket Made deployment related changes (e.g. version bump, pipeline config...)
๐Ÿ”ง wrench Added or modified a configuration file
๐Ÿ’„ lipstick Improved UI, styling or visual layout of components
๐Ÿ“ฑ mobile phone Improved responsiveness
๐Ÿ“ฆ package Installed, updated or downgraded a dependency
โœ… check mark button Added or modified unit tests

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