
Uses the language integration configuration provided by an app to provide language services for a library. See LanguageIntegrationModule.forRoot().



  • Public Readonly Optional config


constructor(config?: LanguageIntegrationConfig)

Creates an instance of LanguageIntegrationService.

Name Type Optional Description
config LanguageIntegrationConfig Yes

The language integration configuration provided using LanguageIntegrationModule.forRoot().


Public alternateLanguagesFor
alternateLanguagesFor(lang: string)

Retrieves the list of alternative languages to the specified language supported by the integrated app.

Name Type Optional Description
lang string No

The language for which to get the alternative languages.

Returns: string[]

An array of alternative languages supported by the integrated app.

Public ensureEnabled

Ensures that the language integration module has been imported and a configuration object has been provided.

Returns: literal type
Public translate
translate(value: string, params?: Record)

Translates a value (typically a translation id) into the current language used by the integrated app.

Name Type Optional Description
value string No

The value to translate (typically a translation id).

params Record<string | > Yes

(Optional) Any params needed for translating the value.

Returns: string

The translation of the specified value and params in the current language used by the integrated app.

Public translateProperties
translateProperties(data: Record, paths: string[])

Dives deep into an object or an array and replaces the indicated properties in-place with their translation.

The paths argument is an array of paths representing deep properties which should be translated. For example:

// If we have a user object, we can translate its city and role properties
    id: 15,
    addresses: [
        { city: 'Tel Aviv', ... },
        { city: 'Rishon LeTzion' }
    system: {
        role: 'Admin'

// Our paths would be:
Name Type Optional Description
data Record<string | > No

The object which holds the translatable properties. Can be a deeply nested object.

paths string[] No

The paths of the translatable properties to translate and replace.

Returns: void


Public Readonly Optional config
Type: LanguageIntegrationConfig
The language integration configuration provided using `LanguageIntegrationModule.forRoot()`.



A subscribable event emitting every time the integrated app changes a language. The new language name is emitted with each change.

This will be undefined if the language integration module hasn't been imported by the app.

Returns: Observable | undefined

The default language used by the integrated app.

This will be undefined in the following cases:

  1. The language integration module hasn't been imported by the app.
  2. The default language hasn't resolved yet.
Returns: string | undefined

The languages supported by the integrated app.

This will be undefined in the following cases:

  1. The language integration module hasn't been imported by the app.
  2. Supported languages haven't resolved yet.
Returns: [] | undefined

The current language used by the integrated app.

This will be undefined in the following cases:

  1. The language integration module hasn't been imported by the app.
  2. The changed event hasn't emitted yet.
Returns: string | undefined

Indicated whether the language integration module has been imported into the app. If this is false, this service will serve no purpose.


A resolvable async object which emits once when the intgrated language services are ready for operation.

This will complete immediately if the the language integration module hasn't been imported, or a ready observable hasn't been provided when importing the module.

Returns: Observable<void>
import { from, of, Observable         } from 'rxjs';
import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';

import { Destroyable                                    } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/core';
import { access                                         } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/utils';
import { LanguageIntegrationConfig, LanguageIntegration } from '../config/language-integration-config';

 * Uses the language integration configuration provided by an app to provide language services for a library.
 * @see `LanguageIntegrationModule.forRoot()`.
 * @export
 * @class LanguageIntegrationService
 * @extends {Destroyable}
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class LanguageIntegrationService extends Destroyable
    private $ready!        : Observable<void>;
    private defaultLang?   : string;
    private supportedLangs?: string[];
    private currentLang?   : string;

     * Creates an instance of LanguageIntegrationService.
     * @param {LanguageIntegrationConfig} [config] The language integration configuration provided using `LanguageIntegrationModule.forRoot()`.
    constructor(@Optional() @Inject(LanguageIntegration) public readonly config?: LanguageIntegrationConfig)


        if (config) this.initMultiLanguageSupport();
    private initReadyObservable(): void
        const ready = this.config?.ready;

        // Using of() instead of EMPTY as EMPTY only calls `complete` but not `next`.
        // This allows users to subscribe more intuitively.
        this.$ready = ready ? from(ready) : of();

    private initMultiLanguageSupport(): void
        this.subscribe(this.config!.changed, lang => this.currentLang = lang);

        // User's responsability to provide a completing observables.
        this.loadDefaultLanguage   ().subscribe(defaultLang => this.defaultLang    = defaultLang);
        this.loadSupportedLanguages().subscribe(languages   => this.supportedLangs = languages);

    private loadDefaultLanguage(): Observable<string>
        const defaultLang = this.config!.default;
        return typeof defaultLang === 'string' ? of(defaultLang) : from(defaultLang());

    private loadSupportedLanguages(): Observable<string[]>
        const supported = this.config!.supported;
        return Array.isArray(supported) ? of(supported) : from(supported());

     * A subscribable event emitting every time the integrated app changes a language.
     * The new language name is emitted with each change.
     * This will be `undefined` if the language integration module hasn't been imported by the app.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Observable<string> | undefined}
    public get changed(): Observable<string> | undefined
        return this.config?.changed;

     * The default language used by the integrated app.
     * This will be `undefined` in the following cases:
     * 1. The language integration module hasn't been imported by the app.
     * 2. The default language hasn't resolved yet.
     * @readonly
     * @type {string | undefined}
    public get default(): string | undefined
        return this.defaultLang;

     * The languages supported by the integrated app.
     * This will be `undefined` in the following cases:
     * 1. The language integration module hasn't been imported by the app.
     * 2. Supported languages haven't resolved yet.
     * @readonly
     * @type {string[] | undefined}
    public get supported(): string[] | undefined
        return this.supportedLangs;

     * The current language used by the integrated app.
     * This will be `undefined` in the following cases:
     * 1. The language integration module hasn't been imported by the app.
     * 2. The `changed` event hasn't emitted yet.
     * @readonly
     * @type {string | undefined}
    public get current(): string | undefined
        return this.currentLang;
     * Indicated whether the language integration module has been imported into the app.
     * If this is `false`, this service will serve no purpose.
     * @readonly
     * @type {boolean}
    public get enabled()
        return !!(this.config);

     * A resolvable async object which emits once when the intgrated language services are ready for operation.
     * This will complete immediately if the the language integration module hasn't been imported, or a `ready` observable hasn't
     * been provided when importing the module.
     * @readonly
     * @type {Observable<void>}
    public get ready(): Observable<void>
        return this.$ready;

     * Retrieves the list of alternative languages to the specified language supported by the integrated app.
     * @param {string} lang The language for which to get the alternative languages.
     * @returns {string[]} An array of alternative languages supported by the integrated app.
     * @throws If the language integration module hasn't been imported into the app.
    public alternateLanguagesFor(lang: string): string[]
        return this.supported!.filter(supportedLocale => supportedLocale !== lang);
     * Translates a value (typically a translation id) into the current language used by the integrated app.
     * @param {string} value The value to translate (typically a translation id).
     * @param {Record<string, unknown>} [params] (Optional) Any params needed for translating the value.
     * @returns {string} The translation of the specified value and params in the current language used by the integrated app.
     * @throws If the language integration module hasn't been imported into the app.
    public translate(value: string, params?: Record<string, unknown>): string

        return this.config!.translate(value, params);

     * Dives deep into an object or an array and replaces the indicated properties in-place with their translation. 
     * The `paths` argument is an array of paths representing deep properties which should be translated.
     * For example:
     * ```typescript
     * // If we have a user object, we can translate its city and role properties
     * {
     *     id: 15,
     *     addresses: [
     *         { city: 'Tel Aviv', ... },
     *         { city: 'Rishon LeTzion' }
     *     ],
     *     system: {
     *         role: 'Admin'
     *     }
     * }
     * // Our paths would be:
     * `addresses[0].city`
     * `addresses[1].city`
     * `system.role`
     * ```
     * @param {Record<string, unknown>} data The object which holds the translatable properties. Can be a deeply nested object.
     * @param {string[]} paths The paths of the translatable properties to translate and replace.
     * @throws If the language integration module hasn't been imported into the app.
    public translateProperties(data: Record<string, unknown>, paths: string[]): void
        paths.forEach(path =>
            const valueAccessor = access<string>(data, path);
            const value = valueAccessor.get();

            if (typeof value !== 'string') return;

     * Ensures that the language integration module has been imported and a configuration object has been provided.
     * @throws {Error} The language integration module hasn't been imported by the app.
    public ensureEnabled(): this is { config: LanguageIntegrationConfig }
        if (this.enabled) return true;

        throw new Error(`
            Language integration hasn't been enabled.
            Did you import the language integration module in your app module using 'LanguageIntegrationModule.forRoot()'?

results matching ""

    No results matching ""