Modules Overview

@bespunky/angular-zen - Official Docs

@bespunky/angular-zen exports the following modules:

Name Description
CoreModule Contains general tools that normally serve for infrastructure code.
AsyncModule Contains tools for handling dynamic and async situations on the page.
UniversalModule Contains tools for working easily with Angular Universal and SSR.
RouterXModule Contains tools for routing related tasks.
LanguageIntegrationModule Contains tools for integrating your library with your user's language services.

Shared Module

If you find yourself frequently importing the same modules, consider creating a shared module for them and import that module instead:

  1. Create the shared module:

    ng generate module path/to/module/SharedZen

  2. Import zen modules into the shared module:

     import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
     // 1. Import modules (notice the from clause)
     import { CoreModule      } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/core';
     import { AsyncModule     } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/async';
     import { UniversalModule } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/universal';
     // 2. Include in shared module
     const modules = [        
         imports: modules,
         exports: modules
     export class SharedZenModule { } 
  3. Use the shared module in your app:

     import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
     import { NgModule      } from '@angular/core';
     // 1. Import shared module
     import { SharedZenModule } from 'path/to/module/shared-zen.module';
     import { AppComponent    } from './app.component';
         declarations: [
         imports: [
             SharedZenModule // 2. Include module in your app
         providers: [], 
         bootstrap: [AppComponent]
     export class AppModule { }

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