



constructor(tagName?: string)
Name Type Optional
tagName string Yes


Public children
Type: any[]
Default value: []
Public Optional className
Type: string
Public Optional dir
Type: "ltr" | "rtl"
Public Optional parentElement
Type: MockElement
Public Optional tagName
Type: string


Public appendChild
appendChild(node: any)
Name Type Optional
node any No
Returns: void
Public extractAttributesFromSelector
extractAttributesFromSelector(selector: string)

Extracts an array of {name, value} objects mapping the attributes from the specified selector string. Attributes with no value will be mapped with wildcard value (i.e. '**').

Name Type Optional
selector string No
Returns: any
Public querySelectorAll
querySelectorAll(selector: string)
Name Type Optional
selector string No
Returns: any[]
Public remove
Returns: void
Public removeChild
removeChild(node: any)
Name Type Optional
node any No
Returns: void
export class MockElement
    public parentElement?: MockElement;
    public children     : any[] = [];

    public dir?      : 'ltr' | 'rtl';
    public className?: string;

    constructor(public tagName?: string) { }

    public remove(): void
        if (this.parentElement) this.parentElement.removeChild(this);

    public removeChild(node: any): void
        if (node.parentElement !== this) return;

        const index = this.children.indexOf(node);

        if (index > -1)
            this.children.splice(index, 1);

            node.parentElement = null;

    public appendChild(node: any): void

        node.parentElement = this;

        if (node.onload instanceof Function) setTimeout(node.onload, 0);

    public querySelectorAll(selector: string): any[]
        throw new Error(`
            Providing a general implementation for querySelectorAll() to support all cases is to complex.
            Use jest.spyOn() and fake this to provide an implementation for the specific use case.
            See MockElement.extractXXXFromSelector() methods for utils.

     * Extracts an array of {name, value} objects mapping the attributes from the specified selector string.
     * Attributes with no value will be mapped with wildcard value (i.e. '**').
     * @param {string} selector
     * @returns {*}
    public extractAttributesFromSelector(selector: string): any
        // Searches for [key="value"] and [key] groups and extracts the attribute and value from each
        const regex = /(?:(\[(?<attr>\w+)(?:="(?<value>[^\]]+)")?)\]*)/g;
        let match: RegExpExecArray | null;
        const attributes = [];
        while ((match = regex.exec(selector)) !== null)
            // This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches
            if (match.index === regex.lastIndex) regex.lastIndex++;

            attributes.push({ name: match.groups?.['attr'], value: match.groups?.['value'] || '**' });

        return attributes;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""