
Provides an injectable wrapper for the window object.

Inject this in your services/components and you will be able to easily mock or spy on the native window object in your tests. You can replace the default WINDOW token provider, which allows you to mock the window object.

See window-ref.service.spec.ts for examples.





constructor(nativeWindow: any)

Creates an instance of WindowRef.

Name Type Optional Description
nativeWindow any No

The native window provided by the WINDOW token of @bespunky/angular-zen/core. See WindowRef for details.


Public Readonly nativeWindow
Type: any
The native window provided by the `WINDOW` token of `@bespunky/angular-zen/core`. See `WindowRef` for details.
import { InjectionToken, PLATFORM_ID, FactoryProvider, Inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { isPlatformBrowser                                                } from '@angular/common';

 * An injectable token that will allow us to replace the provider for the native window object when necessary (e.g. mocking the `window` object).
export const WINDOW = new InjectionToken<Window>('WindowToken');

 * Provides an injectable wrapper for the `window` object.
 * Inject this in your services/components and you will be able to easily mock or spy on the native `window` object in your tests.
 * You can replace the default `WINDOW` token provider, which allows you to mock the `window` object.
 * @see window-ref.service.spec.ts for examples.
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class WindowRef
    // Treating native window as `any` save users typecasting everytime and deducing if the object is of type `Window` or `object`.
     * Creates an instance of WindowRef.
     * @param {*} nativeWindow The native window provided by the `WINDOW` token of `@bespunky/angular-zen/core`. See `WindowRef` for details. 
    constructor(@Inject(WINDOW) public readonly nativeWindow: any) { }

 * Provides a platform dependant implementation for retrieving the `window` object.
 * @returns `window` for browser platforms and a new object for non-browser platforms.
export function windowFactory(platformId: any): Window | Object
    return isPlatformBrowser(platformId) ? window : new Object();

 * The default provider for the `WINDOW` token. Provides `window` for browser platforms and a new object for non-browser platforms.
export const WindowProvider: FactoryProvider = {
    provide: WINDOW,
    useFactory: windowFactory,
    deps: [PLATFORM_ID]

 * A bundle of all providers needed for WindowRef to work.
export const WindowRefProviders = [WindowProvider];

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