
Provides tools for localization and delocalization of the currently navigated url by adding or removing a named query param dedicated for language.





constructor(undefined: UrlLocalizationConfig, urlReflection: UrlReflectionService)
Name Type Optional
UrlLocalizationConfig No
urlReflection UrlReflectionService No


Protected composeUrl
composeUrl(routeUrl: string)

Concats the host url and the specified route url to compose a fully qualified url. Uses the host url provided by the url reflection service.

Name Type Optional Description
routeUrl string No

The route url to concat to the host url. Should be prefixed with '/'.

Returns: string

The fully qualified url composed of the host url defined by the url reflection service and the specified route url.

Inherited from UrlLocalizer

Delocalizes the currently navigated url by removing the query param specifying the language.

Returns: string

The currently navigated url without the query param for language.

localize(lang: string)
Inherited from UrlLocalizer

Localizes the currently navigated url by adding or updating the query param specifying the language.

Name Type Optional Description
lang string No

The new language of the url.

Returns: string

The currently navigated url localized into the specified language.

Protected parseUrlTree

Returns the UrlTree representing the currently navigated url.

Returns: UrlTree

The UrlTree representing the currently navigated url.

Protected replaceLanguageParam
replaceLanguageParam(params: any, lang: string)

Updates the language param in a query params object.

Name Type Optional Description
params any No

The object representing the query params.

lang string No

The new language to set to the language query param. If null or undefined, the language query param will be deleted from the object.

Returns: any

The updated query params object.

Protected replaceQueryParamsInUrlTree
replaceQueryParamsInUrlTree(url: UrlTree, newParams: literal type)

Replaces the query params in a url tree object.

Name Type Optional Description
url UrlTree No

The url tree in which query params should be replaced.

newParams literal type No

The new query params object to set to the url tree.

Returns: UrlTree

The updated url tree object.


Public Readonly paramName
Type: string

The name of the query parameter specifying the language.

import { Inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { UrlTree            } from '@angular/router';

import { UrlReflectionService                   } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x';
import { UrlLocalization, UrlLocalizationConfig } from '../config/url-localization-config';
import { UrlLocalizer                           } from './url-localizer';

 * Provides tools for localization and delocalization of the currently navigated url by adding or removing
 * a named query param dedicated for language.
 * @export
 * @class QueryParamsUrlLocalizer
 * @extends {UrlLocalizer}
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root'})
export class QueryParamsUrlLocalizer extends UrlLocalizer
     * The name of the query parameter specifying the language.
     * @type {string}
    public readonly paramName: string;

    constructor(@Inject(UrlLocalization) { strategy }: UrlLocalizationConfig, urlReflection: UrlReflectionService)

        this.paramName = strategy as string;

     * Localizes the currently navigated url by adding or updating the query param specifying the language.
     * @param {string} lang The new language of the url.
     * @returns {string} The currently navigated url localized into the specified language.
    localize(lang: string): string
        const currentUrlTree    = this.parseUrlTree();
        const localizedParams   = this.replaceLanguageParam(this.urlReflection.queryParams, lang);
        const localizedRoute    = this.replaceQueryParamsInUrlTree(currentUrlTree, localizedParams);
        const localizedRouteUrl = this.urlReflection.router.serializeUrl(localizedRoute);

        return this.composeUrl(localizedRouteUrl);
     * Delocalizes the currently navigated url by removing the query param specifying the language.
     * @returns {string} The currently navigated url without the query param for language.
    delocalize(): string
        return this.localize('');

     * Returns the `UrlTree` representing the currently navigated url.
     * @protected
     * @returns {UrlTree} The `UrlTree` representing the currently navigated url.
    protected parseUrlTree(): UrlTree
        const { router } = this.urlReflection;

        // Parsing the url seems dumb as the router should have it parsed already, but the route object doesn't hold
        // the tree and the router SOMETIMES holds it in getCurrentNavigation().
        return router.parseUrl(router.url);

     * Updates the language param in a query params object.
     * @protected
     * @param {*} params The object representing the query params.
     * @param {string} lang The new language to set to the language query param. If `null` or `undefined`, the language query param will be deleted from the object.
     * @returns {*} The updated query params object.
    protected replaceLanguageParam(params: any, lang: string): any
        if (lang)
            params[this.paramName] = lang;
            delete params[this.paramName];

        return params;

     * Replaces the query params in a url tree object.
     * @protected
     * @param {UrlTree} url The url tree in which query params should be replaced.
     * @param {Object} newParams The new query params object to set to the url tree.
     * @returns {UrlTree} The updated url tree object.
    protected replaceQueryParamsInUrlTree(url: UrlTree, newParams: { [k: string]: any }): UrlTree
        return Object.assign(url, { queryParams: newParams });

     * Concats the host url and the specified route url to compose a fully qualified url.
     * Uses the host url provided by the url reflection service.
     * @protected
     * @param {string} routeUrl The route url to concat to the host url. Should be prefixed with '/'.
     * @returns {string} The fully qualified url composed of the host url defined by the url reflection service and the specified route url.
    protected composeUrl(routeUrl: string): string
        const { hostUrl } = this.urlReflection;

        return `${hostUrl}${routeUrl}`;

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