
Provides methods for lazy loading scripts and styles programatically. The service keeps track of loaded files to skip reloading unless specified otherwise in the options of loadScript() or loadStyle().





constructor(head: HeadService, universal: UniversalService)
Name Type Optional
head HeadService No
universal UniversalService No


Public isCached
isCached(url: string)

Checks whether the file from the specified url has already been cached.

Name Type Optional Description
url string No

The url for the file to check.

Returns: boolean

A value indicating whether the file from the specified url has already been cached.

Public isScriptPresent
isScriptPresent(url: string)

Checks whether a script element is already present in <head> for the given url. This doesn't guarantee that the script has been loaded.

Name Type Optional Description
url string No

The url of the loaded script.

Returns: boolean

true if an element matching the url is present in <head>; otherwise `false.

Public isStylePresent
isStylePresent(url: string)

Checks whether a link element is already present in <head> for the given style url. This doesn't guarantee that the style has been loaded.

Name Type Optional Description
url string No

The url of the loaded link.

Returns: boolean

true if an element matching the url is present in <head>; otherwise `false.

Public loadScript
loadScript(url: string, options: ScriptLoadOptions)

Loads a script programatically.

     The observable will complete immediately in case the script was already previously loaded.
     If the script was already loaded outside of the service, the observable will stream `undefined`.
Name Type Optional Default value Description
url string No

The full url of the script to load.

options ScriptLoadOptions No this.defaultScriptOptions

(Optional) Specifies custom options to override default behaviour.

An observable object which allows subscribers to know when the script has been loaded and access its associated <script> element. The observable will complete immediately in case the script was already previously loaded. If the script was already loaded outside of the service, the observable will stream undefined.

Public loadStyle
loadStyle(url: string, options: LoadOptions)

Loads a style programatically.

     The observable will complete immediately in case the style was already previously loaded.
     If the style was already loaded outside of the service, the observable will stream `undefined`.
Name Type Optional Default value Description
url string No

The full url of the style to load.

options LoadOptions No this.defaultStyleOptions

(Optional) Specifies custom options to override default behaviour.

An observable object which allows subscribers to know when the style has been loaded and access its associated <link> element. The observable will complete immediately in case the style was already previously loaded. If the style was already loaded outside of the service, the observable will stream undefined.

import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { Injectable, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

import { HeadService       } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/core';
import { UniversalService  } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/universal';
import { ScriptLoadOptions } from './script-load-options';
import { LoadOptions       } from './load-options';
import { LazyLoadedFile    } from './lazy-loaded-file';

type ElementCreator = (url: string, onLoad: () => void, onError: (error: any) => void, options: LoadOptions) => ElementRef;

 * Provides methods for lazy loading scripts and styles programatically.
 * The service keeps track of loaded files to skip reloading unless specified otherwise in the options of `loadScript()` or `loadStyle()`.
    providedIn: 'root'
export class LazyLoaderService
     * Defines the default options when calling the `LazyLoaderService.loadScript()` method.
    private defaultScriptOptions: ScriptLoadOptions = {
        async: true,
        defer: true,
        alreadyLoaded: (url) => this.isCached(url) || this.isScriptPresent(url),
        force: false

     * Defines the default options when calling the `LazyLoaderService.loadStyle()` method.
    private defaultStyleOptions: LoadOptions = {
        alreadyLoaded: (url) => this.isCached(url) || this.isStylePresent(url),
        force: false

     * Keeps track of loaded lazy files status and references
    private cache: { [url: string]: { lazyFile: LazyLoadedFile, observable: Observable<LazyLoadedFile> } };

    constructor(private head: HeadService, private universal: UniversalService)
        this.cache = {};

     * Checks whether the file from the specified url has already been cached.
     * @param url The url for the file to check.
     * @returns A value indicating whether the file from the specified url has already been cached.
    public isCached(url: string): boolean
        return !!this.cache[url];

     * Checks whether a script element is already present in `<head>` for the given url.
     * This doesn't guarantee that the script has been loaded.
     * @param {string} url The url of the loaded script.
     * @returns {boolean} `true` if an element matching the url is present in `<head>`; otherwise `false.
    public isScriptPresent(url: string): boolean
        return this.head.contains('script', { src: url });

     * Checks whether a link element is already present in `<head>` for the given style url.
     * This doesn't guarantee that the style has been loaded.
     * @param {string} url The url of the loaded link.
     * @returns {boolean} `true` if an element matching the url is present in `<head>`; otherwise `false.
    public isStylePresent(url: string): boolean
        return this.head.contains('link', { rel: 'stylesheet', href: url });

     * Loads a script programatically.
     * @param url The full url of the script to load.
     * @param options (Optional) Specifies custom options to override default behaviour.
     * @returns An observable object which allows subscribers to know when the script has been loaded and access its associated `<script>` element.
     *          The observable will complete immediately in case the script was already previously loaded.
     *          If the script was already loaded outside of the service, the observable will stream `undefined`.
    public loadScript(url: string, options: ScriptLoadOptions = this.defaultScriptOptions): Observable<LazyLoadedFile | null>
        // Set default options if not specified by caller
        options.async         = options.async         === undefined ? this.defaultScriptOptions.async : options.async;
        options.defer         = options.defer         === undefined ? this.defaultScriptOptions.defer : options.defer;
        options.alreadyLoaded = options.alreadyLoaded === undefined ? this.defaultScriptOptions.alreadyLoaded : options.alreadyLoaded;
        options.force         = options.force         === undefined ? this.defaultScriptOptions.force : options.force;          

        return this.loadFile(url, 'script', options as Required<ScriptLoadOptions>, this.createScriptElement.bind(this));

     * Loads a style programatically.
     * @param url The full url of the style to load.
     * @param options (Optional) Specifies custom options to override default behaviour.
     * @returns An observable object which allows subscribers to know when the style has been loaded and access its associated `<link>` element.
     *          The observable will complete immediately in case the style was already previously loaded.
     *          If the style was already loaded outside of the service, the observable will stream `undefined`.
    public loadStyle(url: string, options: LoadOptions = this.defaultStyleOptions): Observable<LazyLoadedFile | null>
        // Set default options if not specified by caller
        options.alreadyLoaded = options.alreadyLoaded === undefined ? this.defaultStyleOptions.alreadyLoaded : options.alreadyLoaded;
        options.force         = options.force         === undefined ? this.defaultStyleOptions.force : options.force;

        return this.loadFile(url, 'style', options as Required<LoadOptions>, this.createLinkElement.bind(this));

    private loadFile(url: string, type: 'script' | 'style', options: Required<LoadOptions>, createElement: ElementCreator): Observable<LazyLoadedFile | null>
        if (!this.universal.isPlatformBrowser) return of(null);

        // If the script should be loaded, load it
        if (!options.alreadyLoaded(url) || options.force)
            // Initialize a base object to store the data later
            const lazyFile: LazyLoadedFile = { url, type, completed: false, element: null };
            // Create an observable that waits until the script has been loaded and executed
            const observable = new Observable<LazyLoadedFile>(observer =>
                // Create the callback that will mark the script as completed and notify the subscriber
                const onLoad = () =>
                    lazyFile.completed = true;


                // Create the actual file tag, start downloading and store the element reference
                lazyFile.element = createElement(url, onLoad, observer.error.bind(observer), options);

            // Cache the file and the observable for later use
            this.cache[url] = { lazyFile: lazyFile, observable };

            return observable;

        // If the file was already loaded and it shouldn't be downloaded again, complete immediately with the previous link data.
        // If the file was already loaded outside of the service, the observable will stream `undefined` as there is nothing cached.
        return of(this.cache[url]?.lazyFile);

     * Creates a `<script>` tag for the given url and adds it to the `<head>` tag to start downloading the script.
     * @param url       The url for the script to download.
     * @param onLoad    The callback to execute when the script has been downloaded and executed.
     * @param onError   The callback to execute when script download or execution has failed.
     * @param options   The options to add to the script.
     * @returns A reference to the `<script>` element that was added to the DOM.
    private createScriptElement(url: string, onLoad: () => void, onError: (error: any) => void, options: ScriptLoadOptions): ElementRef<HTMLScriptElement>
        return this.head.addScriptElement('text/javascript', url,
                async: options.async,
                defer: options.defer,
                onload: onLoad,
                onerror: onError

     * Creates a `<link>` tag for the given url and adds it to the `<head>` tag to start downloading the link.
     * @param url       The url for the link to download.
     * @param onLoad    The callback to execute when the script has been downloaded and executed.
     * @param onError   The callback to execute when script download or execution has failed.
     * @returns A reference to the `<link>` element that was added to the DOM.
    private createLinkElement(url: string, onLoad: () => void, onError: (error: any) => void): ElementRef<HTMLLinkElement>
        return this.head.addLinkElement('stylesheet',
                type: 'text/css',
                href: url,
                onload: onLoad,
                onerror: onError

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