


Provides functionality for extending class to easily work with routes and process changes.






constructor(router: Router, route: ActivatedRoute, componentBus?: RouterOutletComponentBus)

Creates an instance of RouteAware.

Provide this when you want your route-aware service to have access to the instance(s) of the activated component(s).

Name Type Optional Description
router Router No

The instance of Angular's router service.

route ActivatedRoute No

The instance of Angular's active route service.

componentBus RouterOutletComponentBus Yes

(Optional) The component bus for router-x functionality. Provide this when you want your route-aware service to have access to the instance(s) of the activated component(s).


Protected deepScanRoute
deepScanRoute(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, process: (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,component: any) => void, levels: number)

Recoursively runs a processing function on the route and its children. Scan is done from parent to child, meaning the parent is the first to process.

and a component argument which reflects the component that was loaded for the route's outlet. If the corresponding outlet wasn't marked with the publishComponent directive, the component argument will be null.

Returning true from the process function is equal to saying 'work has completed' and will stop propogation to the route's children. A value of 1 for example, will process the route and its first-level children only. By default, scans all levels of the route tree.

Name Type Optional Default value Description
route ActivatedRouteSnapshot No

The top route on which to apply the processing function.

process function No

The function to run on the route and its children. The function receives a route argument which reflects the route being processed, and a component argument which reflects the component that was loaded for the route's outlet. If the corresponding outlet wasn't marked with the publishComponent directive, the component argument will be null.

Returning true from the process function is equal to saying 'work has completed' and will stop propogation to the route's children.

levels number No -1

(Optional) The number of levels (excluding the parent) to dive deeper into the route tree. A value of 1 for example, will process the route and its first-level children only. By default, scans all levels of the route tree.

Returns: void
Protected observeRouterEvent
observeRouterEvent(eventType: Type, autoUnsubscribe: boolean)
Type parameters:
  • TEvent

Creates an observable that emits only the specified router events and is automatically destroyed when the service/component is destroyed.

Name Type Optional Default value Description
eventType Type<TEvent> No

The type of router event to emit.

autoUnsubscribe boolean No true

(Optional) true to make the observable complete when the service/component is destroyed; otherwise false. Default is true.

Returns: Observable<TEvent>
Protected resolve
resolve(resolvers: Resolver | Resolver[], ...resolverArgs: any[])

Creates an observable that runs all the specified resolvers and concats their results as an array. The resolvers will be passed with the instance of the component for the currently activated route.

Name Type Optional Description
resolvers Resolver | Resolver[] No

The resolver(s) to concat.

resolverArgs any[] No

(Optional) Any arguments to pass into the resolvers in addition to the component.

Returns: Observable<any[]>

An array with the concatenated results of the resolvers.

Protected resolveInMacroTask
resolveInMacroTask(resolvers: Resolver | Resolver[], ...resolverArgs: any[])

Creates an observable that runs all the specified resolvers and concats their results as an array. The resolvers will be passed with the instance of the component for the currently activated route.

Angular Universal: In SSR, the server doesn't wait for async code to complete. The result is scrapers and search engines receiving a page without resolved data, which is bad in case you need them to read some resolved metadata tags for example.

Using Zone directly, this method creates a macro task and completes it when resolves are done or have errored. This makes the server block and wait until everything is resolved or errors before returning the rendered page.

ℹ Make sure your resolves and process function are fast enough so that the server won't hang too much trying to render.

See for the discussion.

See {ResolverMacroTaskIdPrefix} if you need to identify the created macro task in your code.

Name Type Optional Description
resolvers Resolver | Resolver[] No

The resolver(s) to concat.

resolverArgs any[] No

(Optional) Any arguments to pass into the resolvers in addition to the component.

Returns: Observable<any[]>
Inherited from Destroyable
Returns: void
Protected subscribe
subscribe(observable: Observable, next?: (value?: T) => void, error?: (undefined) => void, complete?: () => void)
Inherited from Destroyable
Type parameters:
  • T

Subscribes to an observable and stores the subscription for automatic disposal. When ngOnDestroy() is called, all subscriptions created with this method will unsubscribe.

Name Type Optional Description
observable Observable<T> No

The observable to subscribe to.

next function Yes

(Optional) A callback function to execute on each emission of the observable.

error function Yes

(Optional) A callback function to execute when the observable errors.

complete function Yes

(Optional) A callback function to execute when the observable completes.

Returns: Subscription

The subscription created for the observable.


Protected Readonly destroyed
Type: Subject<void>
Default value: new Subject()
Inherited from Destroyable

Emits a value when ngOnDestroy() is called. Pipe together with takeUntil() to auto unsubscribe from your observables.

Protected Readonly subscriptions
Type: Subscription
Default value: new Subscription()
Inherited from Destroyable

A list of all subscriptions manually added using the subscribe() method. These are automatically unsubscribed when ngOnDestroy() is called.



The instance of the component created for the currently activated route. If no component bus was supplied at construction time, this will be undefined.

Returns: any | null
import { from, InteropObservable, Observable, of         } from 'rxjs';
import { concatAll, filter, finalize, takeUntil, toArray } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Directive, Type, Injectable                     } from '@angular/core';
import { Router, ActivatedRoute, ActivatedRouteSnapshot, Event, ActivationEnd, ActivationStart, ChildActivationEnd, ChildActivationStart, GuardsCheckEnd, GuardsCheckStart, NavigationCancel, NavigationEnd, NavigationError, NavigationStart, ResolveEnd, ResolveStart, RouteConfigLoadEnd, RouteConfigLoadStart, RoutesRecognized, Scroll } from '@angular/router';

import { Destroyable              } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/core';
import { RouterOutletComponentBus } from '../outlet/router-outlet-component-bus.service';

declare const Zone: any;

 * Hard-codes event names as strings.
 * When AOT compilation is run and constructor names change, the dispatcher will still be able to get a hold
 * of the correct event name using this map.
const EventMap = {
    [NavigationStart]: 'NavigationStart',
    []: 'RouteConfigLoadStart',
    [RouteConfigLoadEnd]: 'RouteConfigLoadEnd',
    [RoutesRecognized]: 'RoutesRecognized',
    [GuardsCheckStart]: 'GuardsCheckStart',
    []: 'ChildActivationStart',
    [ActivationStart]: 'ActivationStart',
    [GuardsCheckEnd]: 'GuardsCheckEnd',
    [ResolveStart]: 'ResolveStart',
    [ResolveEnd]: 'ResolveEnd',
    [ChildActivationEnd]: 'ChildActivationEnd',
    [ActivationEnd]: 'ActivationEnd',
    [NavigationEnd]: 'NavigationEnd',
    [NavigationCancel]: 'NavigationCancel',
    [NavigationError]: 'NavigationError',
    [Scroll    ]: 'Scroll'

/** Represents a function that creates an async task to be run (normally on a component). */
export type Resolver = (component: any, ...resolverArgs: any[]) => Observable<any> | InteropObservable<any> | Promise<any>;

 * The prefix of the id generated for zone macro tasks when calling `RouteAware.resolveInMacroTask()`.
 * Generated ids will confrom to a `{prefix}-{random number}` format.
export const ResolverMacroTaskIdPrefix = 'route-aware-resolver';

 * Provides functionality for extending class to easily work with routes and process changes.
 * @export
 * @abstract
 * @class RouteAware
 * @extends {Destroyable}
@Directive()  // Originally this was decorated with `Directive` only so angular accepts it as base for both services and components.
@Injectable() // However, compodoc fails to collect abstract classes marked with `Directive` so I marked it as both. Tests pass, POC stackblitz doesn't show side effects.
// eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/directive-class-suffix
export abstract class RouteAware extends Destroyable
     * Creates an instance of RouteAware.
     * @param {Router} router The instance of Angular's router service.
     * @param {ActivatedRoute} route The instance of Angular's active route service.
     * @param {RouterOutletComponentBus} [componentBus] (Optional) The component bus for router-x functionality.
     * Provide this when you want your route-aware service to have access to the instance(s) of the activated component(s).
        protected router       : Router,
        protected route        : ActivatedRoute,
        protected componentBus?: RouterOutletComponentBus

        // TODO: Scan class and only subscribe if handlers were defined
        this.subscribe(, this.dispatchRouterEvent.bind(this));
     * Checks if a handler method for the specific event type exists on the service and calls it.
     * Handler methods should comply with `onEventType` naming (lowercase 'on', first-upper event type).
     * @private
     * @param {Event} event The event data received from the router.
    private dispatchRouterEvent(event: Event): void
        // AOT compilation changes class names, causing the dispacher to look for a handler methods with
        // wrong names (e.g. `onJ`). The EventMap is used to restore the original names.
        const typeName    =;
        const handlerName = `on${EventMap[typeName]}`;
        const handle      = (this as any)[handlerName];

        if (handle), event);

     * Creates an observable that emits only the specified router events and is automatically destroyed when the service/component is destroyed.
     * @protected
     * @template TEvent The type of router event to emit.
     * @param {Type<TEvent>} eventType The type of router event to emit.
     * @param {boolean} [autoUnsubscribe=true] (Optional) `true` to make the observable complete when the service/component is destroyed; otherwise `false`. Default is `true`.
     * @returns {Observable<TEvent>}
    protected observeRouterEvent<TEvent extends Event>(eventType: Type<TEvent>, autoUnsubscribe: boolean = true): Observable<TEvent>
        let observable =;

        if (autoUnsubscribe) observable = observable.pipe(takeUntil(this.destroyed));
        return observable.pipe(filter(event => event.constructor === eventType)) as Observable<TEvent>;

     * Recoursively runs a processing function on the route and its children.
     * Scan is done from parent to child, meaning the parent is the first to process.
     * @ignore
     * @protected
     * @param {ActivatedRouteSnapshot} route The top route on which to apply the processing function.
     * @param {(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, component: any) => boolean} process The function to run on the route and its children. The function receives a `route` argument which reflects the route being processed,
     * and a `component` argument which reflects the component that was loaded for the route's outlet.
     * If the corresponding outlet wasn't marked with the `publishComponent` directive, the `component` argument will be null.
     * Returning `true` from the process function is equal to saying 'work has completed' and will stop propogation to the route's children.
     * @param {number} [levels=-1] (Optional) The number of levels (excluding the parent) to dive deeper into the route tree.
     * A value of 1 for example, will process the route and its first-level children only. By default, scans all levels of the route tree.
    protected deepScanRoute(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, process: (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, component: any) => boolean  , levels?: number): void;
     * Recoursively runs a processing function on the route and its children.
     * Scan is done from parent to child, meaning the parent is the first to process.
     * @ignore
     * @protected
     * @param {ActivatedRouteSnapshot} route The top route on which to apply the processing function.
     * @param {(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, component: any) => void} process The function to run on the route and its children. The function receives a `route` argument which reflects the route being processed,
     * and a `component` argument which reflects the component that was loaded for the route's outlet.
     * If the corresponding outlet wasn't marked with the `publishComponent` directive, the `component` argument will be null.
     * Returning `true` from the process function is equal to saying 'work has completed' and will stop propogation to the route's children.
     * @param {number} [levels=-1] (Optional) The number of levels (excluding the parent) to dive deeper into the route tree.
     * A value of 1 for example, will process the route and its first-level children only. By default, scans all levels of the route tree.
    protected deepScanRoute(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, process: (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, component: any) => void, levels?: number): void;
     * Recoursively runs a processing function on the route and its children.
     * Scan is done from parent to child, meaning the parent is the first to process.
     * @protected
     * @param {ActivatedRouteSnapshot} route The top route on which to apply the processing function.
     * @param {(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, component: any) => boolean | void} process The function to run on the route and its children. The function receives a `route` argument which reflects the route being processed,
     * and a `component` argument which reflects the component that was loaded for the route's outlet.
     * If the corresponding outlet wasn't marked with the `publishComponent` directive, the `component` argument will be null.
     * Returning `true` from the process function is equal to saying 'work has completed' and will stop propogation to the route's children.
     * @param {number} [levels=-1] (Optional) The number of levels (excluding the parent) to dive deeper into the route tree.
     * A value of 1 for example, will process the route and its first-level children only. By default, scans all levels of the route tree.
    protected deepScanRoute(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, process: (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, component: any) => boolean | void, levels: number = -1): void
        // Make sure the caller wants scan to proceed, then make sure level limit wasn't reached.
        const processingConcluded = process(route, this.componentBus?.instance(route.outlet));
        // Negative values will scan all, positives will scan until reaching zero.
        const shouldScanChildren  = !processingConcluded && levels !== 0;

        if (shouldScanChildren && route.children) route.children.forEach(childRoute => this.deepScanRoute(childRoute, process, levels - 1));
     * Creates an observable that runs all the specified resolvers and concats their results as an array.
     * The resolvers will be passed with the instance of the component for the currently activated route.
     * @protected
     * @param {(Resolver | Resolver[])} resolvers The resolver(s) to concat.
     * @param {...any[]} resolverArgs (Optional) Any arguments to pass into the resolvers in addition to the component.
     * @returns {Observable<any[]>} An array with the concatenated results of the resolvers.
    protected resolve(resolvers: Resolver | Resolver[], ...resolverArgs: any[]): Observable<any[]>
        if (!resolvers) return of([]);

        // Cast array
        if (!Array.isArray(resolvers)) resolvers = [resolvers];

        // Run resolvers to create observable tasks
        const observables = => resolve(this.activatedRouteComponent, ...resolverArgs));
        // Run tasks and output their returned data as an array
        return from(observables).pipe(concatAll(), toArray());

     * Creates an observable that runs all the specified resolvers and concats their results as an array.
     * The resolvers will be passed with the instance of the component for the currently activated route.
     * **Angular Universal:**
     * In SSR, the server doesn't wait for async code to complete. The result is scrapers and search engines receiving a page without resolved data,
     * which is bad in case you need them to read some resolved metadata tags for example.
     * Using `Zone` directly, this method creates a macro task and completes it when resolves are done or have errored.
     * This makes the server block and wait until everything is resolved or errors before returning the rendered page.
     * > *ℹ Make sure your resolves and process function are fast enough so that the server won't hang too much trying to render.*
     * @see for the discussion.
     * @see {ResolverMacroTaskIdPrefix} if you need to identify the created macro task in your code.
     * @protected
     * @param {(Resolver | Resolver[])} resolvers The resolver(s) to concat.
     * @param {...any[]} resolverArgs (Optional) Any arguments to pass into the resolvers in addition to the component.
    protected resolveInMacroTask(resolvers: Resolver | Resolver[], ...resolverArgs: any[]): Observable<any[]>
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
        const macroTask = Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(`${ResolverMacroTaskIdPrefix}-${Math.random()}`, () => { }, {}, () => { }, () => { });

        return this.resolve(resolvers, ...resolverArgs)
            // Signal end of macro task on completion or error and allow server to return
            .pipe(finalize(() => macroTask.invoke())

     * The instance of the component created for the currently activated route.
     * If no component bus was supplied at construction time, this will be `undefined`.
     * @readonly
     * @protected
     * @type {(any | null)}
    protected get activatedRouteComponent(): any | null
        return this.componentBus?.instance(this.route.outlet);

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