


The base class for all *observeXXX directives. This directive bind an observable or a collection of observables with a template, causing the values in the template to be updated whenever the observables emit.

Any template assigned with the directive will render immediately, and its view context will be updated with the emitted value on each emission. The directive will be responsible for subscribing on init and unsubscribing on destroy.


Shared observable

The watched observable will automatically be multicasted so that any child observables created by the template will use the same stream.

The shared observable can be accessed using the let source = source microsyntax.

Observer events

Whenever the observable changes state or emits a value, the corresponding event is emitted: nextCalled - A value has been emitted. $event will be the emitted value. errorCalled - An error has occured in the pipeline. $event will be the error. completeCalled - The observable has completed. $event will be void.

Because of limitations to Angular's Structural Directives, in order to bind the events the desugared syntax must be used. This, for example, will trigger the event:

<ng-template [observe]="x$" let-source="source" (nextCalled)="onNext($event)">

This will NOT trigger the event:

<div *observe="x$; let source = source" (nextCalled)="onNext($event)">...</div>

⚠️ Extending notes:

As the base class cannot deduce the directive selector (e.g. observeLatest, observeMerge, etc.) the extending class is required to do 4 things:

  1. Implement the abstract selector member and assign it with the directive's selector.
  2. Implement and @Input() public set <selector>(value: T) which will pass its value to the input member.
  3. Implement a static context TypeGuard.

These will enable Angular features like template type checking and the microsyntax as keyword.








constructor(template: TemplateRef, viewContainer: ViewContainerRef)
Name Type Optional
template TemplateRef<TContext> No
viewContainer ViewContainerRef No


Type : EventEmitter<void>

Triggered when the observable completes. $event will be the void.

Type : EventEmitter<>

Triggered when an error occurs in the observable's pipeline. $event will be the error.

Type : EventEmitter<TResolved>

Triggered whenever the observable emits a value. $event will be the emitted value.


Protected createViewContext
createViewContext(undefined: literal type)
Name Type Optional
literal type No
Returns: TContext
Returns: void
Protected Abstract observeInput
observeInput(input: TInput)

Takes the input passed to the directive (which might be an observable, a map or an array of observable for example) and creates an observable that combines and represents all the observables in the value.

Intended for applying functions like combineLatest(), contact(), etc.

Name Type Optional Description
input TInput No

The input passed to the directive (which might be an observable, a map or an array of observable for example).

Returns: Observable<TResolved>

An observable which combines and represents all the observables in the input value.

Inherited from Destroyable
Returns: void
Protected subscribe
subscribe(observable: Observable, next?: (value?: T) => void, error?: (undefined) => void, complete?: () => void)
Inherited from Destroyable
Type parameters:
  • T

Subscribes to an observable and stores the subscription for automatic disposal. When ngOnDestroy() is called, all subscriptions created with this method will unsubscribe.

Name Type Optional Description
observable Observable<T> No

The observable to subscribe to.

next function Yes

(Optional) A callback function to execute on each emission of the observable.

error function Yes

(Optional) A callback function to execute when the observable errors.

complete function Yes

(Optional) A callback function to execute when the observable completes.

Returns: Subscription

The subscription created for the observable.


Protected Readonly input
Type: BehaviorSubject<TInput | null>
Default value: new BehaviorSubject(null as TInput | null)

input is set from @Input properties. For some reason, Angular passes-in the first value BEFORE ngOnInit, even though other @Input properties (e.g. showAfter, showFor) are passed AFTER ngOnInit. If subscription occurs in the constructor, input will emit the first observable too fast, which might lead to pipes breaking or misbehaving if they rely on properties to be instantiated first.

This leads to subscribing in ngOnInit, to allow Angular time to initialize those. BUT, if input is a Subject, as the first value was already emitted BEFORE ngOnInit, it will not be captured by our subscription to input. Hence the BehaviorSubject - To allow capturing that first observable.

Protected Abstract Readonly selector
Type: string

The selector defined for the directive extending this class. Will be used to create a corresponding property in the view context in order to make the micro-syntax as keyword work.

Protected Readonly destroyed
Type: Subject<void>
Default value: new Subject()
Inherited from Destroyable

Emits a value when ngOnDestroy() is called. Pipe together with takeUntil() to auto unsubscribe from your observables.

Protected Readonly subscriptions
Type: Subscription
Default value: new Subscription()
Inherited from Destroyable

A list of all subscriptions manually added using the subscribe() method. These are automatically unsubscribed when ngOnDestroy() is called.

import { EMPTY, Observable, Notification, BehaviorSubject                                        } from 'rxjs';
import { map, materialize, share, switchMap, tap                                                 } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Directive, EmbeddedViewRef, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef, EventEmitter, Output, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

import { Destroyable            } from '../../destroyable/destroyable';
import { ResolvedObserveContext } from './types/general';

 * The base class for all `*observeXXX` directives.
 * This directive bind an observable or a collection of observables with a template, causing the values in the template to be updated whenever the observables emit.
 * Any template assigned with the directive will render immediately, and its view context will be updated with the emitted value on
 * each emission. The directive will be responsible for subscribing on init and unsubscribing on destroy.
 * ## Features
 * #### Shared observable
 * The watched observable will automatically be multicasted so that any child observables created by the template will use the same
 * stream.
 * The shared observable can be accessed using the `let source = source` microsyntax.
 * #### Observer events
 * Whenever the observable changes state or emits a value, the corresponding event is emitted:  
 * `nextCalled` - A value has been emitted. `$event` will be the emitted value.  
 * `errorCalled` - An error has occured in the pipeline. `$event` will be the error.  
 * `completeCalled` - The observable has completed. `$event` will be void.
 * > Because of limitations to Angular's Structural Directives, in order to bind the events the desugared syntax must be used.
 * This, for example, **will trigger** the event:
 * > ```html
 * ><ng-template [observe]="x$" let-source="source" (nextCalled)="onNext($event)">
 * >    ...
 * ></ng-template>
 * > ```
 * >
 * >This **will NOT trigger** the event:
 * >```html
 * > <div *observe="x$; let source = source" (nextCalled)="onNext($event)">...</div>
 * >```
 * ## ⚠️ Extending notes:
 * As the base class cannot deduce the directive selector (e.g. `observeLatest`, `observeMerge`, etc.) the extending class
 * is required to do 4 things:
 * 1. Implement the abstract `selector` member and assign it with the directive's selector.
 * 2. Implement and `@Input() public set <selector>(value: T)` which will pass its value to the `input` member.
 * 3. Implement a static context TypeGuard.
 * These will enable Angular features like template type checking and the microsyntax `as` keyword.
 * @export
 * @abstract
 * @class ObserveBaseDirective
 * @extends {Destroyable}
 * @implements {OnInit}
 * @template TInput The type of value this directive will work with. Depends on the extending class.
 * @template TResolved The type of value emitted by the observable. Depends on the extending class.
 * @template TContext The type of the context object the template will work with.
export abstract class ObserveBaseDirective<TInput, TResolved, TContext extends ResolvedObserveContext<TResolved>>
              extends Destroyable implements OnInit
     * Triggered whenever the observable emits a value. `$event` will be the emitted value.
     * @type {EventEmitter<TResolved>}
    @Output() public nextCalled    : EventEmitter<TResolved> = new EventEmitter();
     * Triggered when an error occurs in the observable's pipeline. `$event` will be the error.
     * @type {EventEmitter<unknown>}
    @Output() public errorCalled   : EventEmitter<unknown>   = new EventEmitter();
     * Triggered when the observable completes. `$event` will be the void.
     * @type {EventEmitter<void>}
    @Output() public completeCalled: EventEmitter<void>      = new EventEmitter();

    private view!: EmbeddedViewRef<TContext>;
     * The selector defined for the directive extending this class. Will be used to create a corresponding
     * property in the view context in order to make the micro-syntax `as` keyword work.
     * @protected
     * @abstract
     * @type {string}
    protected abstract readonly selector: string;
     * ### Why BehaviorSubject<{@link TInput s} | null> and not Subject<{@link TInput}>
     * `input` is set from @Input properties. For some reason, Angular passes-in the first value BEFORE
     * ngOnInit, even though other @Input properties (e.g. showAfter, showFor) are passed AFTER ngOnInit.
     * If subscription occurs in the constructor, `input` will emit the first observable too fast, which
     * might lead to pipes breaking or misbehaving if they rely on properties to be instantiated first.
     * This leads to subscribing in ngOnInit, to allow Angular time to initialize those.
     * BUT, if `input` is a Subject, as the first value was already emitted BEFORE ngOnInit, it will not be
     * captured by our subscription to `input`. Hence the BehaviorSubject - To allow capturing that first observable.
    protected readonly input: BehaviorSubject<TInput | null> = new BehaviorSubject(null as TInput | null);

        private readonly template     : TemplateRef<TContext>,
        private readonly viewContainer: ViewContainerRef
        // See `this.input` documentation for why subscription is done in ngOnInit.

     * Takes the input passed to the directive (which might be an observable, a map or an array of observable for example)
     * and creates an observable that combines and represents all the observables in the value.
     * Intended for applying functions like `combineLatest()`, `contact()`, etc.
     * @protected
     * @abstract
     * @param {TInput} input The input passed to the directive (which might be an observable, a map or an array of observable for example).
     * @return {Observable<TResolved>} An observable which combines and represents all the observables in the input value.
    protected abstract observeInput(input: TInput): Observable<TResolved>;

    private contextFeed(): Observable<Notification<TResolved>>
        return this.input.pipe(
            // Whenever a new value is provided into the directive use the extender's implementation to observe it and multicast it.
            map      (input  => input ? this.observeInput(input).pipe(share()) : EMPTY),
            // Replace the source observable in the context with the newly created observable.
            tap      (source => this.updateViewContext({ source })),
            // Switch to the new observable and materialize it to watch for state changes and emit events accordingly
            switchMap(source => source.pipe(materialize())),
            // Whenever a materialized notification is emitted, handle it and emit the relevant event
            tap      (meta   => this.onStateChange(meta))

    private onStateChange(meta: Notification<TResolved>): void
        // Call the appropriate handler according to the received notification
        return meta.observe({
            next: value =>
                this.updateViewContext({ value });

            error   : error => this.errorCalled.emit(error),
            complete: ()    => this.completeCalled.emit()

    private renderView(): void
        const context = this.createViewContext({});

        this.view = this.viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(this.template, context);

    private updateViewContext(data: { value?: TResolved | null , source?: Observable<TResolved> }): void
        this.view.context = this.createViewContext(data);

    protected createViewContext({ value, source }: { value?: TResolved | null , source?: Observable<TResolved> }): TContext
        value  ??= this.view?.context.$implicit || null;
        source ??= this.view?.context.source    || EMPTY;

        return { $implicit: value, [this.selector]: value, source } as TContext;

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