
@bespunky/angular-zen - Official Docs

This module provides strong-typed routing for Angular and auto-generates a strong-typed navigation service.

The purpose of these tools is to create a tight-relation between:

  1. Our route config tree and paths
  2. Our router navigation calls
  3. The entity (or data structure) which corresponds to the route



⚠️ The navigation-x module is in PREVIEW mode. Implementation might change. Avoid using in production.

Please provide feedback on the module.

Step 1 - Define your entity

Call routeConfigFor<YOUR_ENTITY>() to create a strongly-typed route configurator for a specific entity (or data structure) related with a route tree:

// models/theater-show.ts
export interface TheaterShow
    id       : number;
    theaterId: number;
    name     : string;
    date     : Date;

// theater.routes.ts
import { routeConfigFor } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x/navigation';
import { TheaterShow } from './models/theater-show.ts';

const theater = routeConfigFor<TheaterShow>()

Step 2 - Create your route config

Use the returned configurator to wrap your Angular route and store the strongly-typed route in a const:

Pass your route config as const

To improve the auto-generated names for your navigation methods, use the friendlyName property in your route's config.

// theater.routes.ts

export const theaterRoutes = theater.route({
    path: 'theaters',
    children: [
            path: ':theaterId',
            children: [
                    path: 'shows',
                    children: [
                        { path: ':id', friendlyName: 'ShowDetails', ... } // <-- notice `friendlyName`
} as const); // <-- notice `as const`

Step 3 - Provide routes

Replace your provideRouter() call with provideRouterX() and pass in the returned route config:

If you used provideRoutes() for that specific route tree, call provideRoutesX().

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { provideRouterX } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x/navigation';
import { theaterRoutes } from './theater.routes';

    providers: [ provideRouterX([ theaterRoutes ]) ]
export class AppModule {}

Step 4 - Let the magic happen 🪄

Call useNavigationX() in your component/service and enjoy the auto-generated navigation service:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { useNavigationX } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x/navigation';
import { theaterRoutes } from './theater.routes';
import { TheaterShow } from './models/theater-show.ts';

export class AppComponent
    private readonly navigate = useNavigationX(theaterRoutes);

    onSomeEvent(theaterShow: TheaterShow): void
        // Or one of these:
        // this.navigate.toTheaters();
        // this.navigate.toTheatersTheaterId(theaterShow);
        // this.navigate.toTheatersTheaterIdShows(theaterShow);

Road map

  • TS fixes and improvements
  • Support for query variables
  • Support for aux. routes
  • Implement automatic creation of navigation command arrays (e.g. ['theaters', theaterId, 'shows', ...]) for advanced routing scenarios

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