
Represents an intercepted observer call made by a materialized observable.





Static fromNotification
fromNotification(undefined: Notification)
Type parameters:
  • T

Extracts the data from a materialized observable notification and creates an ObserverCall representation for it.

Name Type Optional
Notification<T> No
Returns: ObserverCall<T>

An ObserverCall representing the notification and its data.

Static resolving
Type parameters:
  • T

Creates an ObserverCall representing the resolving state of an observable.

Returns: ObserverCall<T>
import { Notification } from 'rxjs';
import { ObserverName } from './general';

/** Maps RxJS materialized notification states to their observer handler name. */
const StateNotificationMap: Record<'N' | 'E' | 'C', ObserverName> = {
    N: 'next',
    E: 'error',
    C: 'complete'

 * Represents an intercepted observer call made by a materialized observable.
 * @export
 * @class ObserverCall
 * @template T The type of value emitted by the materialized observable.
export class ObserverCall<T>
     *  Creates an instance of ObserverCall.
     *  Creates an instance of ObserverCall.
     * @param {ObserverName} name 
     * @param {T} [value] 
    private constructor(
         * The name of the intercepted observer call.
         * @type {ObserverName}
        public readonly name: ObserverName,
         * (Optional) The value, if any, emitted by the observable.
         * @type {T}
         * @template T The type of value emitted by the observable.
        public readonly value?: T
    ) { }

     * Creates an ObserverCall representing the resolving state of an observable.
     * @static
     * @template T The type of value emitted by the observable.
     * @return {ObserverCall<T>} 
    public static resolving<T>(): ObserverCall<T>
        return new ObserverCall<T>('resolving');

     * Extracts the data from a materialized observable notification and creates an `ObserverCall` representation for it.
     * @static
     * @template T The type of value emitted by the observable.
     * @param {Notification<T>} notification The notification received from the materialized observable.
     * @return {ObserverCall<T>} An `ObserverCall` representing the notification and its data.
    public static fromNotification<T>({ kind, value, error }: Notification<T>): ObserverCall<T>
        return new ObserverCall(StateNotificationMap[kind], error || value);

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