
Provides tools for localization and delocalization of the currently navigated url taking into account the url localization configuration provided when importing the language integration module.





constructor(config: UrlLocalizationConfig, urlReflection: UrlReflectionService, localizer: UrlLocalizer)

Creates an instance of UrlLocalizationService.

The instance and implementation depend on the strategy configured for url localization when importing the language integration module.

Name Type Optional Description
config UrlLocalizationConfig No

The url localization configuration provided for the UrlLocalization token.

urlReflection UrlReflectionService No

The url reflection service.

localizer UrlLocalizer No

The url localizer which will actually do the localization work. The instance and implementation depend on the strategy configured for url localization when importing the language integration module.


Public delocalize

Delocalizes the currently navigated url using the configured localization strategy and forces https if needed.

Returns: string

The delocalized currently navigated url.

Public generateLocalizedUrls
generateLocalizedUrls(langs: string[])

Generates a localized version of the currently navigate url for each of the specified languages using the configured localization strategy.

Name Type Optional Description
langs string[] No

The languages for which to generate the localized urls.

Returns: literal type[]

An array of { [lang]: url } containing an object for each language and its corresponding localized url.

Public localize
localize(lang: string)

Localizes the currently navigated url using the configured localization strategy and forces https if needed.

Name Type Optional Description
lang string No

The langugae to localize the currently navigated url to.

Returns: string

The localized currently navigated url.


Public Readonly localizer
Type: UrlLocalizer
The url localizer which will actually do the localization work. The instance and implementation depend on the strategy configured for url localization when importing the language integration module.
import { Inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core';

import { UrlReflectionService                   } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x';
import { UrlLocalization, UrlLocalizationConfig } from '../config/url-localization-config';
import { UrlLocalizer                           } from '../localizers/url-localizer';

 * Provides tools for localization and delocalization of the currently navigated url taking into
 * account the url localization configuration provided when importing the language integration module.
 * @export
 * @class UrlLocalizationService
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class UrlLocalizationService
     * Creates an instance of UrlLocalizationService.
     * @param {UrlLocalizationConfig} config The url localization configuration provided for the `UrlLocalization` token.
     * @param {UrlReflectionService} urlReflection The url reflection service.
     * @param {UrlLocalizer} localizer The url localizer which will actually do the localization work.
     * The instance and implementation depend on the strategy configured for url localization when importing the language integration module.
        @Inject(UrlLocalization) private         config       : UrlLocalizationConfig,
                                 private         urlReflection: UrlReflectionService,
                                 public readonly localizer    : UrlLocalizer
    ) { }
     * Localizes the currently navigated url using the configured localization strategy and forces https if needed.
     * @param {string} lang The langugae to localize the currently navigated url to.
     * @returns {string} The localized currently navigated url.
    public localize(lang: string): string
        return this.replaceHttpIfRequired(this.localizer.localize(lang));
     * Delocalizes the currently navigated url using the configured localization strategy and forces https if needed.
     * @returns {string} The delocalized currently navigated url.
    public delocalize(): string
        return this.replaceHttpIfRequired(this.localizer.delocalize());

     * Generates a localized version of the currently navigate url for each of the specified languages using the configured localization strategy.
     * @param {string[]} langs The languages for which to generate the localized urls.
     * @returns {{ [lang: string]: string }[]} An array of { [lang]: url } containing an object for each language and its corresponding localized url.
    public generateLocalizedUrls(langs: string[]): { [lang: string]: string }[]
        return => ({ [lang]: this.localizer.localize(lang) }));

    private replaceHttpIfRequired(url: string): string
        return this.config?.forceHttps ? this.urlReflection.forceHttps(url) : url;

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