
@bespunky/angular-zen - Official Docs

Angular's ActivatedRoute service only exposes the type of component and the name of the outlet it relates to. However, in some cases it is necessary to get a hold of the actual instance of the component activated for a certain route.

This service lets you:

  1. Gain access to the instances of router activated components from anywhere in your app.
  2. Observe changes to the active component in outlets.

How to use

The service is intended to be managed by the PublishComponentDirective, but you can manage it yourself using the publishComponent() and unpublishComponent() methods. If you manage publication yourself, jump straight to step 3:

  1. Import RouterXModule in your app to enable the use of the PublishComponentDirective.

  2. Mark your outlet with publishComponent:

    <router-outlet publishComponent></router-outlet>

This works on named outlets as well.

  1. Inject RouterOutletComponentBus into your service/component and use the instance() or changes() methods.

See complete API

How does it work?

Internally, RouterOutletComponentBus keeps a map of outlet name -> component instance.
When an outlet has no name, the service uses Angular's PRIMARY_OUTLET constant as a name.

When a component is published on the service, an observable is created and is mapped with the outlet's name.
When a component is unpublished, that observable is completed and removed.

TLDR Why do I need a service?

Before @bespunky/angular-zen, the common way of finding the activated component was to listen to the activated event on the relevant outlet:

   <router-outlet (activate)="doSomethingWithComponent($event)"></router-outlet>

This is problematic for a few reasons:

  1. It is cumbersome to write - You have to use the above template syntax and have a method in your component to handle it.
  2. Tight coupling - What happens if you need the instance of the activated component in some service? Your service now depends on the component hosting your outlet to notify it of the new instance.
  3. No global access - Router and ActivatedRoute give you global access to the current state. The component instance is part of that state, but is not globally accessible.

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