
Holds data related with a router outlet event.





constructor(outletName: string)

Creates an instance of RouterOutletEventData.

Name Type Optional Description
outletName string No

The name of the outlet which triggered the event. For the primary unnamed outlet, this will be angular's PRIMARY_OUTLET.


Public Readonly outletName
Type: string
The name of the outlet which triggered the event. For the primary unnamed outlet, this will be angular's PRIMARY_OUTLET.



true if the event was triggered by the primary unnamed outlet; otherwise false.

Returns: boolean
import { BehaviorSubject          } from 'rxjs';
import { EventEmitter, Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { PRIMARY_OUTLET           } from '@angular/router';
import { AnyObject } from '@bespunky/typescript-utils';

 * Holds data related with a router outlet event.
 * @export
 * @class RouterOutletEventData
export class RouterOutletEventData
     * Creates an instance of RouterOutletEventData.
     * @param {string} outletName The name of the outlet which triggered the event. For the primary unnamed outlet, this will be angular's PRIMARY_OUTLET.
    constructor(public readonly outletName: string) { }
     * `true` if the event was triggered by the primary unnamed outlet; otherwise `false`.
     * @readonly
     * @type {boolean}
    public get isPrimaryOutlet(): boolean
        return this.outletName === PRIMARY_OUTLET;

 * Holds data related with component publishing triggered by outlet activation.
 * @export
 * @class ComponentPublishEventData
 * @extends {RouterOutletEventData}
export class ComponentPublishEventData extends RouterOutletEventData
     * Creates an instance of ComponentPublishEventData.
     * @param {BehaviorSubject<AnyObject | null>} changes The observable used to track changes to the activated component of the triggering outlet.
     * @param {string} outletName The name of the outlet which triggered the event. For the primary unnamed outlet, this will be angular's PRIMARY_OUTLET.
    constructor(public readonly changes: BehaviorSubject<AnyObject | null>, outletName: string)

     * The instance of the last component activated by the outlet which triggered the event.
     * This will be null if the outlet has deactivated the component.
     * @readonly
     * @type {(AnyObject | null)}
    public get componentInstance(): AnyObject | null
        return this.changes.value;

 * Provides a publish bus for the currently rendered component.
 * **Why?**  
 * Angular's router only provides the type of component being rendered for a specific route, but not the instance it has created for it.
 * This service is a bridge which allows other services to get a hold of the instance of a currently rendered component.
 * **How to use:**  
 * Use the [`publishComponent`](/directives/PublishComponentDirective.html) directive on your `<router-outlet>` element. This will hook into the outlet's `activate` event and pass
 * the activated component to the bus service:

 * @example
 * <!-- Component template -->
 * <router-outlet publishComponent name="header"></router-outlet>
 * <router-outlet publishComponent              ></router-outlet>
 * <router-outlet publishComponent name="footer"></router-outlet>
 * @export
 * @class RouterOutletComponentBus
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class RouterOutletComponentBus
    private _outletsState = new Map<string, AnyObject | null>();

     * Gets a shallow clone of the current state outlet state.
     * @readonly
     * @type {(Map<string, AnyObject | null>)}
    public get outletsState(): Map<string, AnyObject | null>
        return new Map(this._outletsState);

     * A map of the currently instantiated components by outlet name.
     * Users can either subscribe to changes, or get the current value of a component.
     * The primary unnamed outlet component will be accessible via PRIMARY_OUTLET, but for scalability it is better to access it via the `instance()` method.
     * @private
    private readonly components = new Map<string, BehaviorSubject<AnyObject | null>>();

     * Emits whenever a router outlet marked with the `publishComponent` directive activates a component.
     * When an outlet deactivates a component, the published component instance will be `null`.
     * @type {EventEmitter<ComponentPublishEventData>}
    public readonly componentPublished  : EventEmitter<ComponentPublishEventData> = new EventEmitter();
     * Emits whenever a router outlet marked with the `publishComponent` directive is removed from the DOM.
     * @type {EventEmitter<ComponentPublishEventData>}
    public readonly componentUnpublished: EventEmitter<RouterOutletEventData>     = new EventEmitter();

     * Publishes the instance of a currently activated or deactivated component by the specified outlet.
     * When an outlet first publishes, this will create an observable for tracking the outlet's changes.
     * The observable can be fetched using the `changes()` method.
     * Following calls to publish a component by the same outlet will subscribers.
     * The last published component of an outlet can be fetched using the `instance()` method.
     * @param {AnyObject | null} instance The instance of the activated component. For publishing deactivation of a component pass `null`.
     * @param {string} [outletName=PRIMARY_OUTLET] (Optional) The name of the outlet which activated or deactivated the component. The primary unnamed outlet will be used when not specified.
    public publishComponent(instance: AnyObject | null, outletName: string = PRIMARY_OUTLET): void
        const components = this.components;

        let componentChanges = components.get(outletName);

        if (!componentChanges)
            componentChanges = new BehaviorSubject(instance);
            components.set(outletName, componentChanges);
        this._outletsState.set(outletName, instance);;

        this.componentPublished.emit(new ComponentPublishEventData(componentChanges, outletName));

     * Notifies any subscribers to the outlet's changes observable that the outlet is being removed by completing
     * the observable and removes the observable from the service.
     * @param {string} [outletName=PRIMARY_OUTLET] (Optional) The name of the outlet to unpublish. The primary unnamed outlet will be used when not specified.
    public unpublishComponent(outletName: string = PRIMARY_OUTLET): void
        const components = this.components;

        if (components.has(outletName))
            // Notify any subscribers that the outlet will stop emitting
            // Make sure the outlet is no longer present on the bus

            this.componentUnpublished.emit(new RouterOutletEventData(outletName));

     * Checks whether the outlet by the given name is present in the DOM and has already activated at least one component.
     * This will be `true` even if the outlet currently has no active component (component is `null`).
     * A `false` value can either mean the outlet hasn't been marked with `publishComponent`, or that the outlet is not currently rendered (not present in the DOM).
     * When `true`, the user can subscribe to changes of that outlet through the `changes()` method.
     * @param {string} [outletName=PRIMARY_OUTLET] (Optional) The name of the outlet to check. The primary unnamed outlet will be checked if no name is provided.
     * @returns {boolean} `true` if the outlet has published a component at least once; otherwise `false`.
    public isComponentPublished(outletName: string = PRIMARY_OUTLET): boolean
        return this.components.has(outletName);

     * Gets an observable which can be used to track changes to the activated component of the specified outlet.
     * If the outlet is not rendered (present in the DOM), or hasn't been marked with `publishComponent`, this will be `null`.
     * @param {string} [outletName=PRIMARY_OUTLET] (Optional) The name of the outlet to track changes for. The primary unnamed outlet will be used when not specified.
     * @returns {(BehaviorSubject<AnyObject | null> | null)} An observable to use for tracking changes to the activated component for the specified outlet, or `null` if no such outlet exists.
    public changes(outletName: string = PRIMARY_OUTLET): BehaviorSubject<AnyObject | null> | null
        return this.components.get(outletName) ?? null;
     * Gets the current instance of the component created by the specified outlet.
     * @param {string} [outletName=PRIMARY_OUTLET] (Optional) The name of the outlet to fetch the component instance for. If not provided, the primary unnamed outlet's component will be fetched.
     * @returns {(AnyObject | null)} The instance of the component created by the specified outlet. If the outlet doesn't exist, or there is no component instance for the requested outlet, returns `null`.
    public instance(outletName: string = PRIMARY_OUTLET): AnyObject | null
        return this.components.get(outletName)?.value ?? null;

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