LocalizedRouteAware (abstract)

@bespunky/angular-zen - Official Docs

Acting as a base class for services and components, this class facilitates bootstrapping for classes requiring both route and language awareness.

Extend this class, then override onLanguageServicesReady() and onLanguageChanged() methods as needed:

import { Injectable          } from '@angular/core';
import { LocalizedRouteAware } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/language';

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
class LocalizedRouteAwareMock extends LocalizedRouteAware
    // Bonus: No constructor. Defaults to base constructor.

    protected onLanguageServicesReady(): void
        // Act on services ready...

    protected onLanguageChanged(lang: string) 
        // Act on language change... (use `this.language` for language tools)

Consider marking onLanguageServicesReady() and onLanguageChanged() as protected, as they are usually intended for internal class use.

Route-aware and destroyable

A LocalizedRouteAware is by definiton a RouteAware, which is also Destroyable. Take advantage of the tools provided by the base class.

See Also


Implementing integration in a library

Providing integration from an app

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