
Provides tools for localization and delocalization of the currently navigated url by adding or removing a route segment dedicated for language.





constructor(undefined: UrlLocalizationConfig, urlReflection: UrlReflectionService, language: LanguageIntegrationService)
Name Type Optional
UrlLocalizationConfig No
urlReflection UrlReflectionService No
language LanguageIntegrationService No


Protected accessSegmentsSafely
accessSegmentsSafely(segments: string[], accessSegments: () => void)

Accessing segments by index requires the this.position to be translated into an index. As the position can either be positive or negative, there are two different formulas for index calculation. In turn, this means two different scenarios with different edge cases.

To unify the cases and reduce complexity, when position is negative, this method reverses the segments array, runs the segments manipulation, then reverses it again to restore the original order. This way the indexing is always done from one side of the array.

Name Type Optional Description
segments string[] No

The segments about to be manipulated.

accessSegments function No

The function that needs safe access by index to the

Returns: void
Protected composeUrl
composeUrl(segments: string[])

Concats the host url as given by the url reflection service with the segments and the current query string to create a fully qualified url.

Name Type Optional Description
segments string[] No

The route segments to place in the url.

Returns: string

The fully qualified url composed of the host url as given by the url reflection service, the specified route segments, and the current query params.

Inherited from UrlLocalizer

Delocalizes the currently navigated url by removing the language segment from the route. If position is positive, language lookup will be performed from the beginning of route. If position is negative, language lookup will be performed from the end of route. If position points to an index out of bounds, the last/first element will be treated as the language. If no language exists at the language position, returns the url unchanged.


Position 1 - /en/some/route - first segment from the left. Position 2 - /some/en/route - second segment from the left. Position 5 - /some/route/en - out of bounds. last segment from the left.

Position -1 - /some/route/en - first segment from the right. Position -2 - /some/en/route - second segment from the right. Position -5 - /en/some/route - out of bounds. last segment from the right.

Returns: string

The delocalized currently navigated url.

Protected indexOfPosition

Calculates the absolute index for the configured language position.

Returns: number
Protected insertOrReplaceLanguage
insertOrReplaceLanguage(lang: string, segments: string[], langIndex: number, isLanguage: boolean)

Updates the specified route segments array with the specified language.

Name Type Optional Description
lang string No

The new language to set to the route.

segments string[] No

The current route segments.

langIndex number No

The index of the expected language segment.

isLanguage boolean No

true if the current value at langIndex is a supported language; otherwise false.

Returns: void
Protected isLanguage
isLanguage(value: string)

Checks whether the specified value is a language supported by the language integration services.

Name Type Optional Description
value string No

The value to check.

Returns: boolean

true if the value is a supported language; otherwise false.

localize(lang: string)
Inherited from UrlLocalizer

Localizes the currently navigated url by adding or updating the language segment of the route. If position is positive, language lookup will be performed from the beginning of route. If position is negative, language lookup will be performed from the end of route. If position points to an index out of bounds, the last/first element will be treated as the language.


Position 1 - /en/some/route - first segment from the left. Position 2 - /some/en/route - second segment from the left. Position 5 - /some/route/en - out of bounds. last segment from the left.

Position -1 - /some/route/en - first segment from the right. Position -2 - /some/en/route - second segment from the right. Position -5 - /en/some/route - out of bounds. last segment from the right.

Name Type Optional
lang string No
Returns: string

The currently navigated url localized to the specified language.

Protected removeLanguage
removeLanguage(segments: string[], langIndex: number, isLanguage: boolean)

Removes the language segment from a route segments array. If the language index points to a non-language segment, returns without changing the segments.

Name Type Optional Description
segments string[] No

The current route segments.

langIndex number No

The index of the expected langauge segment.

isLanguage boolean No

true if the current value at langIndex is a supported language; otherwise false.

Returns: void


Public Readonly position
Type: number

The position of the language segment in the route of the currently navigated url. Positive numbers indicate position from the beginning of the route. Negative numbers indicate position from the end of the route. Zero is ignored and will cause methods to return an unchanged url.



Indicates whether the configured language position is positive, resulting in a lookup from the left (positive lookup). true if positive lookup should be performed; otherwise false.

Returns: boolean

Indicates whether the configured language position is negative, resulting in a lookup from the right (negative lookup). true if negative lookup should be performed; otherwise false.

Returns: boolean
import { Inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core';

import { UrlReflectionService                   } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x';
import { LanguageIntegrationService             } from '../../services/language-integration.service';
import { UrlLocalization, UrlLocalizationConfig } from '../config/url-localization-config';
import { UrlLocalizer                           } from './url-localizer';

 * Provides tools for localization and delocalization of the currently navigated url by adding or removing
 * a route segment dedicated for language.
 * @export
 * @class RoutePositionUrlLocalizer
 * @extends {UrlLocalizer}
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root'})
export class RoutePositionUrlLocalizer extends UrlLocalizer
     * The position of the language segment in the route of the currently navigated url.
     * Positive numbers indicate position from the beginning of the route.
     * Negative numbers indicate position from the end of the route.
     * Zero is ignored and will cause methods to return an unchanged url.
     * @type {number}
    public readonly position: number;

        @Inject(UrlLocalization) { strategy }   : UrlLocalizationConfig,
                                   urlReflection: UrlReflectionService,
                           private language     : LanguageIntegrationService

        this.position = strategy as number;

     * Localizes the currently navigated url by adding or updating the language segment of the route.
     * If `position` is positive, language lookup will be performed from the beginning of route.
     * If `position` is negative, language lookup will be performed from the end of route.
     * If `position` points to an index out of bounds, the last/first element will be treated as the language.
     * #### Example
     * Position  1 - /en/some/route - first segment from the left.  
     * Position  2 - /some/en/route - second segment from the left.  
     * Position  5 - /some/route/en - out of bounds. last segment from the left.  
     * Position -1 - /some/route/en - first segment from the right.  
     * Position -2 - /some/en/route - second segment from the right.  
     * Position -5 - /en/some/route - out of bounds. last segment from the right.  
     * @param {string} lang
     * @returns {string} The currently navigated url localized to the specified language.
    localize(lang: string): string
        return this.transformUrl(
            (segments, langIndex, isLanguage) => this.insertOrReplaceLanguage(lang, segments, langIndex, isLanguage)

     * Delocalizes the currently navigated url by removing the language segment from the route.
     * If `position` is positive, language lookup will be performed from the beginning of route.
     * If `position` is negative, language lookup will be performed from the end of route.
     * If `position` points to an index out of bounds, the last/first element will be treated as the language.
     * If no language exists at the language position, returns the url unchanged.
     * #### Example
     * Position  1 - /en/some/route - first segment from the left.  
     * Position  2 - /some/en/route - second segment from the left.  
     * Position  5 - /some/route/en - out of bounds. last segment from the left.  
     * Position -1 - /some/route/en - first segment from the right.  
     * Position -2 - /some/en/route - second segment from the right.  
     * Position -5 - /en/some/route - out of bounds. last segment from the right.  
     * @returns {string} The delocalized currently navigated url.
    delocalize(): string
        return this.transformUrl(
            (segments, langIndex, isLanguage) => this.removeLanguage(segments, langIndex, isLanguage),
            // When removing the language segment, the index should always be in range. Unlike when inserting, an overflowing index
            // will not be converted to the last index automatically by `.splice()`.
            (segments, langIndex            ) => langIndex >= segments.length ? segments.length - 1: langIndex
    private transformUrl(transform: (segments: string[], langIndex: number, isLanguage: boolean) => void, sanitizeIndex?: (segments: string[], langIndex: number) => number): string
        // Position of zero will not touch the url as zero's functionality is not defined
        if (this.position === 0) return this.urlReflection.fullUrl;

        const segments = this.urlReflection.routeSegments;
        // Convert the position to replace/add to an index (might result in large negatives or positives, exceeding array bounds)
        let langIndex  = this.indexOfPosition();
        this.accessSegmentsSafely(segments, () =>
            if (sanitizeIndex) langIndex = sanitizeIndex(segments, langIndex);
            // Determine if a language segment exists at the specified index
            const isLanguage = this.isLanguage(segments[langIndex]);

            return transform(segments, langIndex, isLanguage);

        return this.composeUrl(segments);

     * Updates the specified route segments array with the specified language.
     * @protected
     * @param {string} lang The new language to set to the route.
     * @param {string[]} segments The current route segments.
     * @param {number} langIndex The index of the expected language segment.
     * @param {boolean} isLanguage `true` if the current value at `langIndex` is a supported language; otherwise `false`.
    protected insertOrReplaceLanguage(lang: string, segments: string[], langIndex: number, isLanguage: boolean): void
        // Define how many items to remove. If the segment is already a language and should be replaced, zero items should be removed.
        const deleteCount = isLanguage ? 1 : 0;

        // Replace existing language segment or add a new one. If the specified index exceeds the length of the array, splice will add a new item at the end/beginning of the array.
        segments.splice(langIndex, deleteCount, lang);

     * Removes the language segment from a route segments array.
     * If the language index points to a non-language segment, returns without changing the segments.
     * @protected
     * @param {string[]} segments The current route segments.
     * @param {number} langIndex The index of the expected langauge segment.
     * @param {boolean} isLanguage `true` if the current value at `langIndex` is a supported language; otherwise `false`.
    protected removeLanguage(segments: string[], langIndex: number, isLanguage: boolean): void
        if (!isLanguage) return;

        segments.splice(langIndex, 1);

     * Accessing segments by index requires the `this.position` to be translated into an index.
     * As the position can either be positive or negative, there are two different formulas for index calculation.
     * In turn, this means two different scenarios with different edge cases.
     * To unify the cases and reduce complexity, when position is negative, this method reverses the segments array, runs the segments manipulation, then reverses it again to restore the original order.
     * This way the indexing is always done from one side of the array.
     * @protected
     * @param {string[]} segments The segments about to be manipulated.
     * @param {() => void} accessSegments The function that needs safe access by index to the 
    protected accessSegmentsSafely(segments: string[], accessSegments: () => void): void
        if (this.isNegativeLookup) segments.reverse();
        if (this.isNegativeLookup) segments.reverse();

     * Indicates whether the configured language position is positive, resulting in a lookup from the left (positive lookup).
     * `true` if positive lookup should be performed; otherwise `false`.
     * @readonly
     * @protected
     * @type {boolean}
    protected get isPositiveLookup(): boolean
        return this.position > 0;

     * Indicates whether the configured language position is negative, resulting in a lookup from the right (negative lookup).
     * `true` if negative lookup should be performed; otherwise `false`.
     * @readonly
     * @protected
     * @type {boolean}
    protected get isNegativeLookup(): boolean
        return this.position < 0;

     * Calculates the absolute index for the configured language position.
     * @protected
     * @returns {number}
    protected indexOfPosition(): number
        return Math.abs(this.position) - 1;

     * Checks whether the specified value is a language supported by the language integration services.
     * @protected
     * @param {string} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} `true` if the value is a supported language; otherwise `false`.
    protected isLanguage(value: string): boolean
        return this.language.supported?.includes(value) || false;

     * Concats the host url as given by the url reflection service with the segments and the current query string to create
     * a fully qualified url.
     * @protected
     * @param {string[]} segments The route segments to place in the url.
     * @returns {string} The fully qualified url composed of the host url as given by the url reflection service, the specified route segments, and the current query params.
    protected composeUrl(segments: string[]): string
        const { hostUrl, queryString } = this.urlReflection;

        return `${hostUrl}/${segments.join('/')}${queryString}`

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