
The base class for url localization implementors. This can be used as an injectable token to get a hold of the currently configured url localizer class.





constructor(urlReflection: UrlReflectionService)

Creates an instance of UrlLocalizer.

Name Type Optional Description
urlReflection UrlReflectionService No

The url reflection service.


Public Abstract delocalize

Reads the Currently navigated url and delocalizes it. If the url is already delocalized, return the url unchanged.

Returns: string

The delocalized url.

Public Abstract localize
localize(lang: string)

Reads the currently navigated url and localizes it to the specified language. If the url is already localized with a different language, updates the language. If the url is already localized with the specified language, returns the url unchanged.

Name Type Optional Description
lang string No

The language code to use for localization (e.g. 'en', 'fr', 'en-US', 'es-CL').

Returns: string

The localized url.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

import { UrlReflectionService } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/router-x';

 * The base class for url localization implementors. This can be used as an injectable token to get a hold of the currently
 * configured url localizer class.
 * @export
 * @abstract
 * @class UrlLocalizer
export abstract class UrlLocalizer
     * Creates an instance of UrlLocalizer.
     * @param {UrlReflectionService} urlReflection The url reflection service.
    constructor(protected urlReflection: UrlReflectionService) { }

     * Reads the currently navigated url and localizes it to the specified language.
     * If the url is already localized with a different language, updates the language.
     * If the url is already localized with the specified language, returns the url unchanged.
     * @abstract
     * @param {string} lang The language code to use for localization (e.g. 'en', 'fr', 'en-US', 'es-CL').
     * @returns {string} The localized url.
    public abstract localize(lang: string): string;

     * Reads the Currently navigated url and delocalizes it.
     * If the url is already delocalized, return the url unchanged.
     * @abstract
     * @returns {string} The delocalized url.
    public abstract delocalize(): string;

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